Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.16.0

Date: 17.03.2014

New Aloha Editor features: Aloha Editor now supports definitionlists. The format plugin has been extended to be able to remove a wider range of formattings. The list plugin now allows to apply classes to lists from a list of pre-rendered style definitions. The headerid plugin now allows you to use a translation table to transform headers into ids.

Manual Change

Gentics Portal.Node 2 removed

Gentics Portal.Node 2, which has been deprecated years ago, was now removed from the Gentics Content.Node codebase. Please remove the $LOAD_MODULE[“portal”] setting from your node.conf.

Manual Change

This changeset may require a manual change to your implementation.

The version of jQuery UI that is used by the repository browser in the tagfill dialog has been upgraded from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1 . This has been done in order to fix a bug that prevented the minibrowser‘s left and right panels from being resizable in IE9 when $FEATURE[“disableIE7StandardsMode“] is set to “true”. The jQuery UI that is used in the tag fill is not supported as offical API by Gentics Content.Node . If any implemenation made use of it, those implementations may be affected by this change.

Manual Change

The flag-icons plugin is not shipped anymore and must be removed from the Aloha configuration in node.conf.

Optional Manual Change

Distribution binary support

With this release you no longer have to use the included package Apache webserver, package PHP binaries and various utility binaries. The distribution tools, distribution Apache webserver and distribution PHP installation can be used instead. Thus support for distribution Apache webserver and PHP has been added to Gentics Content.Node.
The optional changes include:

  • Removal of various binary tools in the /Node/bin directory. (eg.: rsync, lftp, curl, wget..)
  • Removal of various binary libraries in /Node/lib
  • Removal pf Apache Webserver binaries
  • Removal of PHP binaries
  • Removal pf MySQL binaries
  • Updated node.conf structure

Note that the migrated package installation will no longer support the public apache site configuration thus legacy XNL Functions that make use of the public apache will no longer work. Additionally it is mandatory to migrate to the system MySQL Server when this manual change is being applied.
Please read the configuration and migration guide which is applicable for the latest distributions of SUSE Enterprise Linux, Redhat Enterprise Linux and Debian Linux. Do the package migration after updating Gentics Content.Node to 5.14.* with the Autoupdate.
This optional change will not remove any files automatically.

Optional Manual Change

Multichannelling ContentRepository changes

Optimized attributes of multichannelling aware content repositories are not stored in the table contentattribute any more. Since the data for optimized attributes is stored in quick columns of the table contentmap, the additionaly storage in the table contentattribute was redundant an unnecessary. Reducing the number of entries in the table contentattribute will reduce the memory consumption of the database and will improve the overall performance.
When publishing into multichannelling aware content repositories, it is important to use the recent version of Gentics Portal.Node (>= 4.5.0) or the Gentics Content.Connector for reading from this content repository, so that optimized attributes will be read correctly.

Feature KB1211

Link-plugin: Link attribute ‘hreflang‘ can be edited for external links. For internal links, the hreflang is set to the default language of the page.

Feature kb1064

Filenames in Gentics Content.Node will now be sanitized using a character transcription table that can be customized. The Aloha Editor headerids Plugin will also make use of this table to generate html ids from the header text content.


Pages, folders and files now have a new meta attribute “ismaster”, which tells, whether the object is a master object, or a localized copy. See the Gentics Content.Node Guides for details about the available meta attributes.

Enhancement KB1094

The new feature “resumable_publish_process” allows to resume publish processes that were cancelled or failed due to errors. See the the Gentics Content.Node Documentation for details.


When boolean meta attributes are published as content repository attributes of type “Integer“, “true“ will now be published as 1 and “false“ will be published as 0. Before this fix, boolean meta attributes had to be manually converted when publishing as “Integer” attributes.

Enhancement RM12019

Added a new feature disable_instant_delete. It can be activated per node and will prevent instant publishing from deleting objects.

Enhancement KB1210

The new Gentics Content.Node FileLink Plugin allows to implement a tagtype, that is used to render links to files with additional (not editable) information. See the Gentics Content.Node Guides for a detailed documentation.


When migrating a project from Live Editor to Aloha Editor, Table Tags will now be automatically migrated to inline editable tables. Additionally, it is possible to migrate other tagtypes to be edited inline with Aloha Editor as well. For a full description, please see the Aloha Editor Migration Guide in the Gentics Content.Node Guides.

Enhancement KB1210

Two new velocity directives #gtx_render and #gtx_edit can be used to render other tags or parts in velocity tags. See the ”Gentics Content.Node Guides+: for details.

Enhancement KB1276

It is now possible to synchronize groups with restrictions to nodes when using SSO login with the REST API. See the Gentics Content.Node Guides for more details.

Enhancement KB1094

The start screen will now also show information about folders and files that need to be published. During a running publish process, the numbers show the remaining folders and files.

Enhancement KB1212

The content maintenance now contains a new tool to reload the configuration. See the chapter about content maintenance in the guides for details.

Enhancement KB1067

Publishlogs now provide more fine grained information during the INITIALIZING and DIRTQUEUE phases of the publish process.


The number of necessary SQL statements to publish objects into a multichannelling aware contentrepository has been reduced to optimize performance.


The behaviour of the multithreaded publish process regarding writing pages into Content Repositories can now be configured. It is now possible to set the group size and queue limit for the job queues that are processed in separate threads. See the Gentics Content.Node Guides for details about the multithreaded publish process.

Enhancement KB1094

The performance of multithreaded publishing has been improved by reducing the number of SQL statements necessary to load the dependencies of pages and to load the data of the pages.
See the Gentics Content.Node Guides for details on multithreaded publishing.


/Node/bin/ was updated in order to enable compatibility with standard linux distribution binaries.

Enhancement RT55266

Removed unsupported context menu entries “in page changeable“ and “not in page changeable” from folder and template object property dialogs.

Enhancement RT57008

When publishing into ContentRepositories using MS SQL Server, the newest Microsoft JDBC driver 4.0 is now supported.

Bugfix RT57711

Selecting a item using the link browser, when targetregex has not be configured, caused the target attribute of the active anchor element to unexpectedly be overwritten to “framename”. This behavior has been fixed so that the target attribute will only change if targetregex is configured and matches the specified regular expression.

Bugfix KB1064

Sanitizing allows white spaces in filenames
White spaces were replaced by underscores (‘_‘) in filenames. With this fix, sanitizing allows white spaces for filenames.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.25.1 – 14.03.2014