Changes with Gentics Content.Connector 1.17.0


-Added a custom collector class LanguageFallbackSortingCollector that is able to do a language fallback while searching and sort for string fields.


A new highlighter was added. The CharacterCountPhraseBolder creates its fragments based on character count.


-Added a custom Transformer (DOCParagraphContentTransformer) that will transform word documents using the paragraph API of the Apache POI package and therefore leave out meta attributes such as DOCPROPERTY


This change implements a new RequestProcessor (HTTPClientAllParamsRequestProcessor) which will forward all custom parameters (but not the default parameters) set in the CRRequest.


Fixed a bug in KeywordListAnalyzer where it would not produce any tokens.


In some cases the new lucene LanguageFallbackSortingTopDocsCollector ignored the fallbackpriority parameter. This has been fixed, the request parameter “languagefallbackpriority” will now be used regardless if the request was created via the Java API or the REST API.