Bugfix RT54125
Added an automatic reset of old (and no longer necessary) FTP node settings that have been leftover from older systems (those that have been updated from a version prior to Gentics Content.Node 5.4.0).
Bugfix RT53835
GCN JS API, TagAPI.removeTag(): Fixed the callbacks not getting called correctly.
Also fixed the documentation. You can only pass the keyword of a tag in here, not an Id.
Bugfix RT54130
Fixed possible DB Lock Timeout when using instant publishing and an object was published during a long running publish process.
Bugfix RT54117
Fixed a problem with paging when skipping to the last page of a list of items that would cause a list of empty items to be displayed.
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.23.3-commercial – 22.03.2013