Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.14.1

Optional Manual Change

Rest API: Removed the template “source” attribute from all Rest API responses except /template/load/.

This has been removed to decrease the size of the response, it was too big and could lead to memory_limit issues in the rest client when there were many elements returned. With /template/load/ you can still get the templates source.

Enhancement RT55795

Previously, whenever you opened the properties dialog of a page, that page stayed locked for the rest of the lock‘s duration unless you performed a “Page Save“ or “Page Cancel“ on that page. Now, if you click on “Cancel” in the properties dialog of a page, the lock is released instantly.

Enhancement RT56054

The REST API getItems performance for folders with many pages was improved.

Bugfix RT54176

Objecttag Definitions in export files are now annotated with information on whether “assign to all nodes” has been selected for them. If such an annotated Objecttag Definition is imported, the importer makes sure that the imported object is associated with all nodes if the exported object was associated with all nodes.

Bugfix RT55401

A scheduler task‘s editor is now updated correctly.

Bugfix RT54157

There was a bug in the calculation of the set of object properties available to channel root folders. This used to prevent the user from seeing and editing object properties of a channel root folder in the object property editor dialog.

Bugfix RT56260

Object properties that are used or inherited in a page can now properly be disabled. Previously, deactivating an object property did not cause the entry linked to it via the tagmap editor to be properly removed from the Contentrepository.

Bugfix RT55614

Memory usage and performance of displaying the message inbox have been improved. This prevents memory exhaustion even for very large numbers of messages.

Bugfix RT55968

When creating a new page from the backend the filename now will convert colons to underscore too, as colon is a reserved character by rfc3986#section-2.2

Bugfix RT56139

Page variants: Fixed bug that caused all variants of a page to be set to the status “Being edited” when opening and saving a overview tag in one page. Now the status of the other variants will not be touched anymore.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.23.19 – 30.08.2013