Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.14.3

Enhancement RT56423

Various minor enhancements were added to the migration feature.

  • An additional option was added to the migration feature. It is now possible to disable the export backup.
  • The logging and documentation for page migration jobs has been enhanced.
  • The restAPI cancelMigration call will now be able to abort the migration in additional phases of the migration.

Enhancement RT56111

Scheduler: Updated documentation, documented setting $MAX_SCHEDULE_RUNTIME.

Bugfix RM8723

The word “Folder“ and “Name” in the mini-browser now has the proper internationalization for both German and English.

Bugfix RT56570

When publishing a node and its channels into content repositories, it could happen, for a localized object, also the master was published into the channel‘s contentrepository. Additionally, too many dependencies were stored for localized objects, which could lead to unnecessary dirting of objects. Both issues have been fixed.

Bugfix RT56423

A minor bug was fixed in the new tag type migration enhancement in version 5.14.2. Previously not all pages were added to the set of pages that should be migrated.

Bugfix RT56438

When translating localized or inherited pages in a channel that already existed in this language, a new copy of the page was created in the channel. This issue has been fixed, the translate call now correctly returns the page that existed before.

Bugfix RT56480

Calling tag.edit() will no longer result in a 404 error in frontend editing if the GCN Intergration plugin‘s “link“ property is not configured. We now default this property to “backend” so that links are rendered as they would appear when using the GCN Intergration Plugin in Content.Node backend.

Bugfix RT55753

Fixed problems with permission checks that would keep a user from updating his own email address.

Bugfix RT56423

A bug in the tag type migration of pages was fixed. Previously the post processors did not receive the migrated page. Migrations that did not use postprocessors were not affected.

Bugfix RT56282

Quickjump: Fixed wrong folder when opening a multichannelling page. When selecting a page in the quickjump autocomplete dropdown and then going from the page into the folder you landed in the master folder instead of the channel folder.

Bugfix RT55802

Page publishing: Fixed Nullpointer exception when publishing a page that contained an objecttag or templatetag with an invalid part type.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.24.1 – 25.09.2013