Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.15.11

Date: 19.02.2014

Bugfix RT57494

Publish Queue: Fixed SGB error occuring, when trying to publish multiple pages at once. This error only occured when you went straight to the publish queue without clicking on a folder first.

Bugfix RT57764

Fixed the permissions check when moving a folder into another folder. The user needed the “create File“ permission on the target folder and the “create Folder” permission was ignored.

Bugfix RT57813

Previously, Gentics Content.Node would not publish pages from a channel in the filesystem, if the master node has either updates disabled or publishing into filesystem disabled. Now it will correctly publish as indicated in the properties of the channel node.

Bugfix RT57774

Fixed a database consistency problem that occured whenever a master folder with localizations was moved inside a channel node.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.24.16 – 18.02.2014