Enhancement RT56970
Updated the feature overview guides and added the missing features:
- advanced_parallel
- aloha
- autocomplete_folder_path
- custom_streams
- file_fetch
- hardlink_files
- history
- image_manipulation2
- instantmessages
- instantmessages_customtime
- maintenance_mode
- nodecopy
- nodecopy_files
- objprop_page_edit_assistant
- page_cleanup
- quickjump
- redirect_check_referer
- roles
- set_folder_start_page
- suspend_scheduler
- symlink_files
- useDaisyDiff
- UTF8
- versiondiff
- view_perms
Also, the list of deprecated features has been updated with:
- aloha010
- cn_page_import_fill_editable_part
- image_manipulation
- quickrecursivetranslations
- realeditor
Bugfix RT57819-RT57627
Follow-up from Bugfix RT57627. When a Page is imported and no weekdays are set for per-weekday-publishing it automatically sets all weekdays. Since GCN 5.15.8 all weekdays are set for per-weekday-publishing by default. This fixes importing a page from a system prior 5.15.8, where pages would appear online if no weekday was set for per-weekday-publishing.
Bugfix RM13359
When user assignment to a group with the permission to modify tagtypes of several nodes was restricted to only some of that nodes, the list of construct did not always show the tagtype icons accordingly (icons for tagtypes that are not editable by the user should be displayed greyed out). This has been fixed now, so the icons will always show the editing permissions correctly.
Bugfix RT57849
When opening a page for editing with Aloha Editor, the toolbar entries to insert new tags into editables are created asynchronously. In cases, where this takes longer and the editor activates an editable before the initialization is done, a wrong set of icons was shown. This has been fixed now. If an editor activates an editable before the tag insert icons are initialized, a “loading” icon will be shown in the toolbar as placeholder for the tag insert menu. When the the tag insert icons are ready to be used, the placeholder will immediately be replaced with the tag insert icons.
Bugfix RT57745
When subscribing to the event channel ‘tag.rendered‘ or ‘page.rendered‘ in the Gentics Content.Node JavaScript API, the handlers were not called when inserting new tags and the insertion failed (tag was not inserted) without any visible error messages. These errors have been fixed now, when inserting a new tag, the handler for the channel ‘tag.rendered‘ will be called and insertion will succeed.
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.24.19 – 12.03.2014