Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.15.27

Date: 18.06.2014

Manual Change

Aloha Link Plugin: Links were not escaped correctly when inserted with the aloha link plugin.

With this manual change you can place special characters in a link and it will be escaped according to html standards. To do the manual change please update the tagfill of the tagtype “Aloha Link“ (keyword: “gtxalohapagelink”) to match the code in the Aloha Page Link Tag Description.

Bugfix RT58159

Fixed multiple issues with roles: Group permission dialog would not display the assigned role count. Roles would not be assigned recursively to child objects in the Group permission dialog. All roles except one would be ignored most of the time if multiple roles are assigned to an object.

Bugfix RT58179

Setting permissions on custom tree entries did not work as expected and has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58187

When using Roles to grant permissions on languages to users, the “translate“ role was not sufficient to create language variants of existing pages. This has been fixed now, users with the “translate“ role for a specific language are allowed to create translations (language variants of existing pages), whereas creation of new pages still requires the “create“ role (or the “create” group permission).

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.24.28 – 18.06.2014