Bugfix RT54802
With Firefox the menu list in the template preview is displayed always with two columns instead of one. This has been fixed.
An issue within the REST API was fixed which could lead to stalling mysql server connections. Ultimately this issue could result in ‘Too many connections‘ errors.
Bugfix RT58365
The main Gentics Content.Node connection pool can now be configured using the following settings:
The default max_connections limits for MySQL 5.5/5.6 is 151. We suggest to use 80% of the server connection limit for the gcn connection pool.
You can check the connection limit by logging in your MySQL server and execute the following command: show variables like 'max_connections';The pool_whenExhaustedAction setting can have the following values:
- BLOCK: The connection pool will no longer hand out connections when the limit was reached (Suggested action)
- GROW: The connection pool will continue growing even if the limit has been reached. (Current default action)
- FAIL: The connection pool will throw exceptions when the limit was reached.
$SETTINGS["pool_size_max"] = 120; $SETTINGS["pool_whenExhaustedAction"] = "BLOCK";
Bugfix RT58327
Various issues in the scheduler task event view were fixed:
- Previously it was possible to select a task event dependency which would cause a closed dependency cycle. Additional checks were added to disalow a task event select which would lead to this condition.
- The translations within the task view property dialog were fixed and improved.
- A bug was fixed which would cause parent dependencies for the task event not to show up within the task event dependency selection dropdown.
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.24.32 – 23.07.2014