Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.15.9

Date: 05.02.2014

Manual Change

Server JRE Update

A jvm bug was discovered that caused OutOfMemory errors due to non garbage collected image data.
Please update the used Java version to Server JRE 1.7.0_51-b13 64 bit Download the Server JRE package and extract it in e.g. /Node/. Update the /Node/java symlink to point to the new ‘Server JRE‘ directory. Restart the tomcat once you finished this step using the /Node/bin/nodectl script.

Enhancement rt57204

The documentation about the publish process has be reorganized and enhanced.

Bugfix RT57500

A behaviour in IE caused fields to remain greyed out in the tagfill dialogue. When clicking the “display content” checkbox the area should change. The behaviour was fixed for IE.

Bugfix RT57688

When saving or importing a template, a NullPointerException would sometimes be thrown if the containing folder of the template has been deleted. Now you can also handle templates where the containing folder is deleted.

Bugfix RT57717

A bug in the migration feature was fixed. In some cases the migration of pages changed the page status to ‘being edited‘. This issue only occurred for pages that used templates that were modified recently. Additionally the logging of the migration process was enhanced.

Bugfix RT57602

$cms.rendermode.frontend will now be set to true when rendering a page using the preview() method. This makes the flag consistent with the fact that links are rendered in frontend mode in previews.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.24.14 – 05.02.2014