Manual Change
Aloha Link tagtype: A previous manual update of the tagtype “Aloha Link” caused a misbehaviour when adding a link.
Breaks were inserted before and after links when saving a page. To perform the manual change please update the tagfill of the tagtype “Aloha Link“ (keyword: “gtxalohapagelink”) to match the code in the Aloha Page Link Tag Description.
Bugfix RT58456
Page Translate: In some cases a page property dialog with empty fields and no confirm button was shown when a user tried to translate a page. Additional permission checks were added in order to prevent this bug. The error messages now also contain information about the missing permissions.
Bugfix RT58456
Translation permissions: A message will now be displayed when the translator has not enough permissions to translate a page in a different language. Previously the action was just silently aborted.
Bugfix RT58418
When pages, images or files cannot be moved due to naming conflicts, the error messages will now explicitly contain the names of the conflicting objects and their folders. Additionally, if the conflict arises in a channel (but not in the master node), the channel name will be contained in the error messages. Error messages will now be shown in a browser alert message, so they cannot be easily missed.
Bugfix RT58467
When disabling the IE7 Standards Mode, and editing pages using the old Live Editor, some incorrect CSS setting caused rendering problems for editable areas. The borders around editables containing multiple lines of content were not rendered correctly and the tag icon changed it‘s position when activating the editable. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix RT58447
When changing the name of a folder, without changing the publish directory, no check for duplicate publish paths will be done. Therefore, changing only the name is still possible, even if duplicate publish paths already exist.
Bugfix RT58451
When editing a page using aloha editor in “real editor“ mode, saving the page (using the “Save“ button in the ribbon), saved the page, but did not create a new version. When clicking the “Cancel“ button in the ribbon afterwards, the last saved version of the page is restored, which is unexpected behaviour. This has been fixed now, when using the “Save“ button in the ribbon to save the page, a new version will now be created and clicking “Cancel” afterwards will no longer undo the changes, which were saved before.
Bugfix RT58263
The update process has been changed to change the group of the PHP files to node_public, if the user node is member of that group. This fixes permission problems on systems that still use the second HTTP server for XNL modules.
Bugfix RT58334
Page list: In some cases the top menu search menu was not being displayed. Additional role permission checks have been added in order to correctly determine the visibility of this menu entry.
Bugfix RT58443
The gallery view was affected by the paging setting, but did not show the paging controls. Also the placement of the images in the gallery was wrong. This has been fixed now, the gallery will now show all images and will not use paging.
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.1.0 – 12.09.2014
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.0.10