Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.18.20

Date: 10.03.2015

Security SUP-323

Permissions: When a group had permissions on an object, and all permission were removed, the permission cache was not refreshed and the group still had the previous permissions. This only happened when all permissions to an object were removed.

Security SUP-323

The permissions of object properties are now also respected by the GCN Rest API when loading or saving objects.

Bugfix SUP-480

When copying pages took longer than the configured timeout (due to high load on the server, number of copied pages or overall system performance), the user got an SGB, which suggested that copying failed, which was not the case. This has been fixed now: When copying pages takes longer than 5 seconds, the user will get a message, that the process will be continued in the background. Once copying is done, the user will receive an instant message. Additionally, when copying using the REST API, it is now possible to specify the maximum “foreground” time in milliseconds. The default value is 0, which will block the call until copying is done (which is the old behaviour).

Bugfix SUP-370

REST-API: When copying a contenttag, using page/newtag, the operation would fail for some content tags.

Bugfix SUP-187

When defining the tags in a template, it is now possible to save an updated list of tags without synchronizing the pages (by clicking the ‘Apply‘ button) or to save and synchronize the pages (by clicking the new ‘Apply and synchronize pages‘ button). Additionally, if errors occur (e.g. because some pages are currently locked by other users), the whole synchronization process does not fail (and has to be repeated), but all pages, that can be synchronized will be synchronized. If the action is triggered again (by clicking ‘Apply and synchronize pages‘ without actually changing the tag definitions, the remaining pages will be synchronized. Additionally, there is now an additional view (“Tagstate” via the template‘s top menu) that will show, how many pages are in sync or out of sync with the template regarding the editable tag definitions.

Bugfix SUP-456

When editing a page using Aloha Editor with Internet Explorer, and adding new links to the page, the click on “Save” in the assistant frame showed a message, informing the user that he was about to leave the page with unsaved changes. This has been fixed now. Additionally, when saving a page that contained new links, some additional AJAX calls to the backend were done (in the background), which caused saving to be slower than necessary. Those AJAX calls have been reduced to the necessary minimum.

Bugfix SUP-187

The algorithm to check whether a new page version must be created and to create the page version used many sql statements and therefore was inefficient. This algorithm has been changed now to be more efficient, especially when no page version must be created. This will affect actions like:

  • Locking the page for editing
  • Saving a page (with or without changes)
  • Publishing a page

Bugfix SUP-434

Fixed newly introduced error with bugfix SUP-434 in the previous hotfix. The overview wizard could start with page 1 even if the user already made all the selections on page 1.

Bugfix SUP-434

Overview tags in pages: When editing new overview tags in pages the wizard started wrongly with page 2 when no selection was made for the object type or the selection type in page 1. This has been fixed. The wizard will now start correctly with page one if any selection is possible and hasn‘t been made.

Bugfix SUP-187

The process of saving a page has been optimized to avoid unnecessary checks, if only content, but no metadata was changed.

Bugfix SUP-323

Fixed object properties not being deleted, when passing their name in the “delete” list of the Rest API method.

Bugfix SUP-479-SUP-488

Changed Contentrepository DB connection pool to be more resilient in cases of reset DB Connections.

Bugfix SUP-387

When editing a page with Aloha Editor and an editable only contained a table, it was not possible to add content before or after the table. This has been fixed now: When the editable is activated, paragraphs will be created as landing areas for the cursor.

Bugfix SUP-473

Fixed output of error log message caused by debug output when rendering tags for publishing.

Bugfix SUP-418

It is now possible to change the synchronization mechanism for objects, that need to be removed from a content repository also for non-multichannelling aware contentrepository from the default differential synchronization to a full synchronization. Using the full synchronization is slower than the differential approach but is less error prone.

Bugfix SUP-401

When editing a page with Aloha Editor, the following editing actions would lead to unexpected behaviour:

  • Remove a tag from an editable, where the tag itself contains an editable
  • Create a new tag of the same type in the editable in a way, that the new tag would get the same name as the one deleted before
  • Open the tagfill dialog to fill some data into the new tag
  • Close the tagfill dialog with the “Ok” button
  • Reopen the tagfill dialog of the new tag

Following these steps, the tagfill dialog would now be empty (not showing the data entered before). This problem has been fixed now, so that editing pages in the way described above will work as expected.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.1.10 – 24.02.2015

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.0.23