Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.18.29

Date: 06.05.2015


Enhanced the error handling of PHP errors. Catchable PHP errors will be also logged to the Gentics Content.Node error log now.

Bugfix SUP-826

When editing a page with Aloha Editor and changing an internal link to point to an external target, this change sometimes was not persisted when saving. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-869

When creating tables or tags at the very beginning or end of an editable, an empty paragraph will also be added (which is automatically removed if not needed), so that the cursor can be set before or after the new tag or table. Before this fix, it was necessary to deactivate and activate the editable to get the empty paragraphs.

Bugfix SUP-933

Fixed a syntax error in the gcn-fileupload plugin that caused a JavaScript error with Internet Explorer in IE7-Mode.

Bugfix SUP-930

When the publish process failed during handling of time management, the process was marked as “OK” in the scheduler. This has been fixed now.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.1.18 – 06.05.2015

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.0.25