Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.18.44

Date: 04.08.2015

Bugfix SUP-1336

The internal storage of global IDs has been changed to support global IDs, that have been generated by systems with CMS Version >= 5.19.3. This enables importing of data from CMS Versions >= 5.19.3. This update might take longer, since the structure of table mappedglobalid (which can be very large) needs to be changed. After this change, it will still be possible to export data from this system and import to systems with earlier versions, unless the export contains data that originated from a system with CMS Version >= 5.19.3.

Bugfix SUP-1459

Fixed error when reading the XNL Configuration. This bug has been introduced in version 5.17.0.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.1.33 – 04.08.2015

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.0.29