Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.23.25

Date: 13.12.2016

Optional Manual Change

The maximum number of clients used by the Apache Web Server for the CMS backend must not exceed 200, since this is the default value of maximum connections Tomcat will accept.

Documentation SUP-3625

The backup guide has been updated.

Bugfix SUP-3434

Showing the tag status failed with an SGB for templates that contain tags with special characters (like -). This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-3605

Two issues with the feature objprop_page_edit_assistant have been fixed: # The preview of inherited pages did not work (showed an empty page) # When opening the preview of a page, the page was locked

Bugfix SUP-3636

Link anchors were removed from external links when saving a page if the Aloha Link Tagtype is missing the “anchor“ part or if the link plugin setting “anchorLinks” is set to false. This bug has been introduced with Gentics CMS 5.22.0. This has been fixed and the documentation for the Aloha Link Tagtype implementation has been updated to address link anchors.

Bugfix SUP-3443

The script /Node/.node/setup-database.php for resetting the database will now set an exit status != 0 when it fails.

Bugfix SUP-3619

When the feature activiti_integration was activated without restarting the server, the maintenance dialog for users with admin permission for the task management showed an SGB. This has been fixed now.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.23 – 30.11.2016

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.0.43