Enhancement SUP-3699
It is now possible to use a custom location for the configuration file of the Task Management App (gentics-activiti.properties). This is useful when the application server on which the Task Management App is deployed does not have access to the /Node/etc/
directory which is the default location for the configuration file.
Documentation SUP-3884
The documentation of imps has been improved in the Gentics CMS Guides
Bugfix SUP-3878
Some german umlauts were wrongly encoded. This bug only affected the cms webinterface. This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-3725
The internal pools for prepared SQL statements used large amounts of Java Heap Space, which could cause memory problems (including OutOfMemory exceptions). Therefore pooling of SQL Statements has been disabled.
Bugfix SUP-3857
Flash movies stored in the CMS could not be viewed in pages in preview-mode or edit-mode because the cms delivered them as attachment to the browser. (HTTP-header “Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=example.swf“) This has been fixed, the CMS will now set the proper HTTP-headers for flash videos. Additionally to get flash videos working in the CMS it is necessary to set the proper “type“ and “data” attributes on the flash OBJECT-html-tag, e.g.: <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="<node videourl>">
Bugfix SUP-3897
Some inefficient SQL statements for updating data from the tagfill dialog have been improved.
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.26 – 07.02.2017
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.1.1