Documentation SUP-3952
A page with details on the “ExpressionParser for TagMap Entries” has been added to the documentation.
Documentation SUP-3934
Added missing documentation on how to setup support for Oracle or SQL-Server Content Repositories in the CMS.
Bugfix SUP-3915
JavaScript errors thrown in a PubSub-event-handler in the GCN-JS-API caused an immediate stop of the script‘s execution and could lead to an inconsistent state in the JS-API in the browser. This has been fixed: all errors thrown by an event-handler will be catched and logged back to the console.
Bugfix SUP-3926
The permission checks for some rarely used administrative functions have been improved.
Bugfix SUP-3301
Fixed the permissions “Create / edit tagtype“ and “Channel sync“ for the “GCN5 Demo” node not being set for the node group.
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.27 – 21.03.2017
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.1.1