Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.30.19

Date: 08.11.2018

Bugfix SUP-7033 🔗 Link

During a publish process, unnecessary EmptyStackExceptions were logged, which are suppressed now.

Bugfix SUP-6107 🔗 Link

Fix bug with pagination for images.

Bugfix SUP-7025 🔗 Link

Fix problems with IFrames that are nested inside the content frame‘s master IFrame and which are incompatible with the injected GCMS UI scripts and/or styles, by allowing such IFrames to skip GCMS UI scripts and styles injection.

Bugfix SUP-7040 🔗 Link

Fixed an error when viewing devtools packages.

Bugfix SUP-7066 🔗 Link

When using multithreaded publishing in a clustered GCMS environment, the GCMS start page would not load when requested from a cluster node, which was not the current master while the publish process was running. The error log would show an error like “ com.gentics.contentnode.publish.PublishThreadInfo”. This has been fixed now.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.50 – 24.10.2018

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.2