Security SUP-6870 🔗 Link
Fixed some security vulnerabilities in the scheduler with not sanitized user input.
Bugfix SUP-8108 🔗 Link
Avoid detail-chips cutting in IE.
Bugfix SUP-7660 🔗 Link
Changed the color for strong HTML elements in the tagfill to meet the recommended contrast ratio for WCAG AA.
Bugfix SUP-8143 🔗 Link
Some optimizations have been done to reduce publish duration and system load while publishing into a Mesh ContentRepository.
Bugfix SUP-8003 🔗 Link
The version of the Mesh Rest Client has been updated to 0.30 to fix some vert.x related problems.
Bugfix SUP-7956 🔗 Link
File extensions can no longer be deleted in the new UI.
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.53 – 30.04.2019
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.7