Bugfix SUP-7361 🔗 Link
When using the gtx_channel() directive in pages published into a Mesh content repository, the resulting URLs were not resolved correctly.
This has been fixed now, but will only work with Mesh versions 1.0.1 and later, because of a necessary change in link resolving. Earlier versions of Mesh can still bee used as a content repository, when the gtx_channel()
directive is not used.
Bugfix SUP-8501 🔗 Link
Deleting objects in multichannelling environments will no longer be possible, if localizations exist, the current user is not allowed to delete.
Bugfix SUP-8501 🔗 Link
The response of the localizations
endpoints will no longer contain IDs of localizations in channels, the current user is not allowed to see, but will now contain the total number of localizations, which include localizations in channels the current user is not allowed to see.
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.57 – 07.10.2019
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.9