Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.34.22

Date: 11.12.2019

Bugfix SUP-8955 🔗 Link

When publishing into a Mesh ContentRepository using Mesh Version >= 0.36.4, pages taken offline with time management were not removed from the Mesh CR, if they used languages other than english. This has been fixed now. The next publish run after the GCMS update will remove pages which were affected by this bug.

Bugfix SUP-8908 🔗 Link

Fixed an error in combined-properties editor that prevented the save button from being enabled in IE11.

Bugfix SUP-8920 🔗 Link

Fixed scrolling of object properties when using the new tag editor.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.58 – 12.11.2019

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.11