Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.34.37

Date: 04.08.2020

Bugfix SUP-9845 🔗 Link

The error message shown when moving of files or pages is not possible due to duplicate publish paths has been improved.

Bugfix SUP-9923 🔗 Link

The REST API documentation has been improved to state the fact that objects listed for devtool packages might have no local or global ID.

Bugfix SUP-9892 🔗 Link

When the Activiti Engine fails to authenticate a request with the CMS, an appropriate error message will now be logged by the Activiti Server.

Bugfix SUP-9838 🔗 Link

Fixed the multithreaded publish process sometimes failing due to a deadlock in the DB when updating the dependencymap2.

Bugfix SUP-9867 🔗 Link

Login to the old UI could take a long time and lead to a timeout due to excessive session cleanup. The session cleanup has been optimized and will now be done in a background thread to not interfer with user logins.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.58 – 12.11.2019

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.11