Bugfix SUP-11320 Link to this entry
When publishing into the filesystem and having the setting “publish directory segments” activated for the node, GenticsImageStore images were not generated. This has been fixed. Also there were some inconsistencies in the publish paths, when publishing both into the filesystem and a Mesh ContentRepository, which have been resolved.
Bugfix SUP-11604 Link to this entry
When localizing published (and possibly modified) pages, the exact page status of the localized copy was unclear: Although the localized copy appeared to be “offline”, in reality, the inherited page was still published for the channel. The behaviour of localizing pages has been changed, so that the localized copy will now reflect the current online and modification status of the former inherited page:
- If the inherited page was online and not modified, the localized page will also be online.
- If the inherited page was online and modified, the localized page will also be online and
modified (and will have two versions).
Bugfix SUP-10990 Link to this entry
Publishing into Mesh ContentRepositories could fail, if pages or files changed filenames in a way that if the objects were written to the Mesh ContentRepository in the “wrong” order would result in a (temporary) uniqueness conflict. The publish process has been modified to better handle such situations.
Bugfix SUP-11650 Link to this entry
When copying an object with an object tag containing an overview, the overview was not copied but was left empty. This has been fixed now.
This Gentics CMS version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.58 – 12.11.2019
This Gentics CMS version includes the .Node Version 2.3.17