Changes with Gentics CMS 5.38.30

Date: 16.08.2021

Bugfix SUP-11912 Link to this entry

When publishing channels into a Mesh Content.Repository and localizing an inherited folder, the objects contained in the folder were possibly published incompletely, or were missing in the Mesh branch. The publishing error has been fixed.
In order to repair incomplete or missing data in channels, all objects of the channel need to be marked for republishing in the content maintenance.

Bugfix SUP-11886 Link to this entry

When using the feature Usersnap : browser screenshots are taken via the browser-in-built media-record-API. For older browsers like Internet Explorer where this API is not available the described limitations to the Usersnap feature apply.

Bugfix SUP-11908 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Multi-Channeling: Fixed an issue where objects selected from a different channel in an overview tag part were not displayed correctly while editing the tag.

This Gentics CMS version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.58 – 12.11.2019

This Gentics CMS version includes the .Node Version 2.3.17