Changes with Gentics CMS 5.39.4

Date: 19.05.2021

Bugfix SUP-9428 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Improves user experience when selecting an image or file in the ‘file or image url tag property editor‘. When selecting an image, a preview is shown.

Bugfix SUP-11396 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Fixed a bug that prevented changed object properties to be saved.

Bugfix SUP-11242 Link to this entry

It is now possible to pick the success page for a form from the CMS as an alternative to entering an absolute URL. This allows using language fallback: Each language variant of the form will use the language variant of the success page in the same language (if it is online) and will fall back to the first available other language, if the same language is not online.

This Gentics CMS version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.58 – 12.11.2019

This Gentics CMS version includes the .Node Version 2.3.17