Bugfix SUP-9591 Link to this entry
The REST Endpoints
GET /group?perms=true
GET /group/[id]/groups?perms=true
GET /user/[id]/groups?perms=true
will now return the current user‘s permissions for “userassignment“ and “setperm” on the returned groups.
The REST EndpointsGET /group/load
GET /group/list
will now also return permission information for the current user when called with the query parameterperms=true
The REST Endpoint- @GET /perm/[perm]/[type]/[id]
can now also be used to check the current user‘s permissions for “userassignment“ and “setperm” on the given group.
Bugfix SUP-14504 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Changed default labels for Form Selects (@SELECTABLE_OPTIONS@) and made the labels overrideable via new properties key_label_i18n_ui
and value_label_i18n_ui
. An example of these new override properties can be found in the Forms Feature Page form-editor.json
Bugfix SUP-14647 Link to this entry
Administration User Interface: Properties are now correctly opening when navigating from one module to another.
This Gentics CMS version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.60 – 16.09.2022
This Gentics CMS version includes the .Node Version 2.3.17