Enhancement SUP-13734 Link to this entry
Channel Directive: Enable Channel Directive to use global UUIDs.
Bugfix SUP-9591 Link to this entry
The REST Endpoints
GET /group?perms=true
GET /group/[id]/groups?perms=true
GET /user/[id]/groups?perms=true
will now return the current user‘s permissions for “userassignment“ and “setperm” on the returned groups.
The REST EndpointsGET /group/load
GET /group/list
will now also return permission information for the current user when called with the query parameterperms=true
The REST Endpoint- @GET /perm/[perm]/[type]/[id]
can now also be used to check the current user‘s permissions for “userassignment“ and “setperm” on the given group.
Bugfix SUP-14504 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Changed default labels for Form Selects (@SELECTABLE_OPTIONS@) and made the labels overrideable via new properties key_label_i18n_ui
and value_label_i18n_ui
. An example of these new override properties can be found in the Forms Feature Page form-editor.json
Bugfix SUP-14647 Link to this entry
Administration User Interface: Properties are now correctly opening when navigating from one module to another.
Bugfix SUP-14588 Link to this entry
Improves publish run times for Mesh ContentRepositories by speeding up the process to determine which objects must be deleted from the ContentRepository.
This Gentics CMS version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.60 – 16.09.2022
This Gentics CMS version includes the .Node Version 2.4.4