Bugfix SUP-14837 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Usage dialog displays all usage of the given item, even if the Gentics CMP Version is not available.
Bugfix SUP-14799 Link to this entry
When publishing into a Mesh ContentRepository the project and branch permissions are now set when an object is written to Mesh so that published objects are available immediately during long publish runs.
Bugfix SUP-14848 Link to this entry
Changes in the order of the fields referenced in the property “urlFields” of a Mesh schema were incorrectly identified as relevant by the publish process, which could lead to unexpected schema changes (and following schema migrations). This has been changed now, so that if only the order of the fields changes, no schema update will be done.
Bugfix SUP-14801 Link to this entry
The ability to cancel a running publish process has been improved.
Bugfix SUP-14351 Link to this entry
Fixes outdated object properties after updating them with the old editor UI. The cache is now invalidated properly to reflect changes in object properties.
This Gentics CMS version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.61 – 16.09.2022
This Gentics CMS version includes the .Node Version 2.4.4