Enhancement SUP-18072 Link to this entry
Administration User Interface: The value of a datasource item has been extended from 50 to 16383 symbols.
Enhancement SUP-18083 Link to this entry
Logging: Now, if one of the configuration files is flawed, causing the startup procedure to fail, it will be logged with the maximum severity. Also, if the contents of a config file is logically empty, e.g. contains no uncommented entries, the startup will not fail.
Enhancement SUP-17216 Link to this entry
Administrator User Interface: Now the `Last Scheduler Task Status` shows an actual status of the last scheduled task. The failure logs link is now pointing to the Scheduler instead of Content Repositories.
Bugfix SUP-18092 Link to this entry
The default log level for the logger ‘org.eclipse.jetty‘ has been changed to ‘warn‘ to log errors that occur in servlet filters (e.g. used for single-sign-on). This change will only take effect, if no custom nodelog.yml file is present. If a custom nodelog.yml file is used, it is recommended to set the log level of ‘org.eclipse.jetty‘ to at least ‘warn‘ there.
Bugfix SUP-17206 Link to this entry
Administrator User Interface: It is now possible to change the keyword of a construct and the keyword of a part in a construct.
Bugfix SUP-18060 Link to this entry
Administrator User Interface: The behaviour of cancelling the publish process has been improved. The UI will now wait for up to 10 seconds for the publish process to stop. If the publish process is still running after 10 seconds, a warning will be shown and stack traces of all publisher related threads will be logged to the server log.
Bugfix SUP-17875 Link to this entry
Administrator User Interface: Now the display/segment/URL field pickers from the schema editor function correctly, being filled with the field values to pick from.
Bugfix SUP-17951 Link to this entry
A column in the table dependencymap2 has been increase to avoid SQL errors during the publish process. The update to this CMS version might therefore take longer than usual.
Bugfix SUP-16591 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Links to the Administrator User Interface will now contain the ‘skip-sso‘ parameter, if the Editor User Interface was accessed with this parameter.
Bugfix SUP-18066 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Now edit mode allows the editor hyperlinks being clicked only with CTRL key, preventing accidental page leaves or reloads.
Bugfix SUP-15751 Link to this entry
Administration User Interface: The `Object Type` values of the Content Repository Tagmap entries list are back.
Bugfix SUP-18109 Link to this entry
Fixes compatibility issues with Oracle MySQL databases.
Bugfix SUP-16772 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Fixed a potential race-condition which prevented the edit-button to be displayed when previewing a page.
Bugfix SUP-17209 Link to this entry
Administrator User Interface: Fixed an the creation of new nodes, to also save the configured publishing settings.
Bugfix SUP-17545 Link to this entry
Administrator User Interface: Now the list pagination is reset when a new search term is entered.
Bugfix SUP-17177 Link to this entry
Administrator User Interface: Now the `Add languages to a node` modal window scrolls its table content correctly.
This Gentics CMS OSS version includes the Aloha Editor 2.0.9 – 26.02.2025