1 Database driver configuration
1.1 Install additional JDBC drivers
The JDBC drivers for MariaDB (default driver for MySQL) and Oracle-MySQL are included in the CMS package already. The JDBC drivers for Oracle-DB or Microsoft-SQL-Server are not included in the CMS package and have to be installed manually. To install a JDBC driver, simply copy the JAR-file provided by your database vendor to the shared lib directory of the CMS: /cms/libs
1.2 Configuration
To activate the Oracle-DB, Oracle-MySQL or Microsoft-SQL-Server JDBC driver in the CMS you have to configure the full class name (including the package name – e.g.: “oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver”) of the JDBC driver in the node.conf:
contentrepository_driverclass: # activate Oracle-DB support for content repositories oracle: "<FULL-JDBC-DRIVER-CLASS-NAME>" # activate Microsoft-SQL-Server support for content repositories mssql: "<FULL-JDBC-DRIVER-CLASS-NAME>" # activate Oracle MySQL JDBC driver for content repositories (default is org.mariadb.jdbc.driver) mysql: "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
After making theses changes the CMS has to be restarted. After the CMS restart it should be possible to choose the Oracle-DB or Microsoft-SQL-Server database type in the Content Repository create and edit dialogs.
2 ContentRepository Fragments
Tagmap Entries can either be created for individual ContentRepositories, or they can be grouped together in ContentRepository Fragments.
Using ContentRepository Fragments has two major advantages:
- Fragments can be assigned to multiple ContentRepositories, so their entries are shared by multiple CRs
- Fragments can be put into devtool packages