Persisting Aloha Editor plugin settings on pages

This page describes how to persist Aloha Editor plugin settings by using a page object property. We will use the numerated-headers plugin to demonstrate how the state of the numerated-headers plugin can be saved within an objecttag. The guide will walk you through the process of:

1 Enabling the numerated headers plugin

In order to use the numerated headers plugin you have to enable it in your configuration:


  - "extra/numerated-headers"

2 Create an object property to store Aloha Editor settings

Before creating a new object property to store our settings we will need to create a new Tagtype called “alohasettings”, composed of three parts:

Parttype Keyword Visibility Description
Velocity visible used to render velocity
HTML/long alohasettings hidden will store our settings
HTML/long template hidden will render the settings

Fill the template part with the following code


#if ($cms.rendermode.edit)##
<script type="text/javascript">
<node alohasettings>

In the next step create a new object property for pages, that will use our newly created Tagtype “alohasettings”. We will call the object property “alohasettings” too.

3 Embedding the object property in a template

In order to modify Aloha Editor settings in a page you will need manually place the Aloha Editor script and settings tags. The following template code will render the default Aloha Editor settings, then extend them with your Aloha Editor settings and finally include the Aloha Editor script tag itself:

	<node object.alohasettings>

Please note that we put our alohasettings object tag right in between the default Aloha Editor settings and the Aloha Editor script tag. This way the settings are changed before Aloha Editor is initialized.

4 Persisting our changes to the object property

In the last step you will learn how to persist a plugin setting to the object property by making use of the Gentics CMS JS API.

When Aloha Editor has finished initialization, we will bind to the smart-content-changed-Event to update changes to the settings. As soon as the event is triggered we will use the Gentics CMS JS API to load the object.alohasettings tag from the page and write our updated settings. The changes will then be persisted to the server when the user saves the page.

// Aloha Editor needs to be initialized before we can...
Aloha.ready(function() {
	// bind to the smart-content-changed event
	Aloha.bind('aloha-smart-content-changed', function () {
			// fetch the object property'object.alohasettings',
				function(alohaSettings) {
					// an object property needs to be activated
					// manually - so we make sure it is active
					alohaSettings.prop('active', true);
					// the smart-content-changed event might
					// be triggered without an active editable
					if (Aloha.activeEditable) {
						// update the part...
							'Aloha.settings.plugins["numerated-headers"]' +
							' = { config: { numeratedactive : ' +
							// ... with the current state of the
							// numerated-headers plugin
								.attr('aloha-numerated-headers') + ' }};');

When using this implementation you want to put it inside a velocity tag checking for $cms.rendermode.edit.

Now, changing the state of the numerated-headers plugin will be persisted to the pages object.alohasettings object property whenever the user saves the page.