Features are by default activated by setting them to boolean true
and deactivated by setting them to false
. These are the allowed settings for all features, if not documented otherwise.
Discontinued features can be found on our list of discontinued features
1 Aloha Editor
feature: aloha: true
Will enable Aloha Editor for Gentics CMS.
2 Always localize
See Always localize
3 Annotating Aloha Editables
feature: aloha_annotate_editables: true
For details, read continue reading about Annotating Editables
4 Asset Management
With the Gentics CMS Asset Management it is possible to insert files from asset stores directly.
5 Attribute Dirting
feature: attribute_dirting: true
Enables attribute specific dirting and publishing of objects into Content Repositories. For details, read the Feature description
6 Autocomplete Folder Paths
feature: autocomplete_folder_path: true
autocomplete_folder_path will automatically generate meaningful folder path name as you type the folder name.
7 Construct Autoenable
feature: construct_autoenable: true
This feature will add a flag “autoenable” to the Tagtype properties dialog. Activating this flag will autoenable a Tag that has been placed in a page, so that the editor does not have to click on it in order to render its contents.
8 Copy Tags
feature: copy_tags: true
This feature allows copy & paste of tags. Find further information in the section about Copy Tags
9 Devtools
feature: devtools: true
This enables the Devtools on the system.
10 Disable instant delete
11 Filesystem Attributes
feature: cr_filesystem_attributes: true
With this feature, it is possible to store attributes in contentrepositories in the filesystem instead of the database.
12 File publish dependencies
feature: contentfile_auto_offline: true
With this feature, it is possible to configure nodes, for which images and files, that are not used by other objects (pages or folders) will not be published into the filesystem and contentrepository.
13 Folder Based Template Selection
feature: folder_based_template_selection: true
When this feature is enabled, the behavior of the editor UI changes when linking templates: a user has to select a folder, and only the templates in the selected folder are available for linking. When the feature is disabled, a user can link any template from a node which is already linked to a folder where the user has the appropriate permissions.
14 GCMS UI Object
15 GenticsImageStore
16 Hardlink Files
feature: hardlink_files: true
Use hardlinks for files and images instead of softlinks when publishing to the filesystem.
17 Hide Manual Link
feature: hide_manual: true
Will hide the link to the manual in the editor UI.
18 Image Cropping Custom Aspect Ratios
See Image Cropping Custom Aspect Ratios
19 Image Focal Point Modification
feature: focal_point_editing: true
This allows setting the focal point of an image in the image editor of the editor UI.
20 Image Manipulation 2
21 Image Uploads in Tag Editor
feature: enable_image_upload_in_tagfill: true
This enables the “New Image” button in the tagfill dialog for “URL (image)” tag parts. This feature is enabled by default.
Disabling this feature is useful e.g., when users should only select images through the Asset Management Feature and uploading of new images to the CMS should be disabled (the image upload button in the list view of the editor UI needs to be overridden separately).
22 Inbox to eMail
feature: inbox_to_email: true
When this feature is enabled, inbox messages are also sent as eMails. Find further information in the section about eMail sending
23 Insecure Scheduler Command
feature: insecure_scheduler_command: true
Whether to allow custom scheduler tasks to execute commands outside of /cms/scheduler-commands
. This is disabled by default, and it is highly recommended not to activate this feature on production environments. Instead create shell scripts in /cms/scheduler-commands
which execute the desired commands. See the scheduler documentation for more information.
24 Instant Publishing
This feature allows enabling the immediate writing of published objects into a ContentRepository.
feature: instant_cr_publishing: true
For details, continue reading at Instant Publishing
25 Invalid Page URL Message
feature: invalidpageurlmsg: true
If internal links resolve to objects that are not online anymore, the system will send a message to the editor who last published the page.
26 Keycloak Single Sign Out
feature: keycloak_signout: true
By activating this feature and using SSO with Keycloak, the user will be logged out from Keycloak, when logging out from the CMS. See Keycloak Single Sign Out for details.
27 Language Code in Filename
feature: contentgroup3_pagefilename: true
Page file names will include an abbreviation of the page language.
Example: When the page “Testpage” is created in English, with an HTML template, the filename will be “testpage.en.html” (or e.g. “testpage1.en.html”, if the former filename already exists). When the page properties are modified and the filename set to empty, this will also include the language code into the filename.
28 Live URLs
feature: live_urls: true
See Live URLs
29 Live URLs per Node
feature: live_urls_per_node: true
See Live URLs
30 Magic Value
See Magic Value
31 Maintenance Mode
feaure: maintenance_mode: true
Allows you to switch the system into maintenance mode if you need to do larger scale maintenance. In maintenance mode no other users may login except for the user who triggered maintenance mode.
32 Mandatory Tags
How to use mandatory tags to prevent publishing of incomplete pages
33 Mesh ContentRepository
This feature allows publishing into instances of Mesh
feature: mesh_contentrepository: true
34 Multithreaded Publishing
feature: multithreaded_publishing: true
35 Manage Link URLs
feature: managelinkurl: true
Internal links to pages or files that are not online anymore are replaced with “#”, thus disabling the link.
feature: managelinkurl_onlyforpublish: true
Whether to manage link URLs only when publishing, not for editing.
36 Nice URLs
feature: nice_urls: true
This enables the setting of Nice URLs and alternate URLs for pages, files and images.
37 Nodecopy
feature: nodecopy: true nodecopy_files: true
nodecopy will allow you to copy whole Nodes. nodecopy_files will also give you an option to duplicate the files – otherwise pages etc. would just reference files and images from the original nodes.
38 Omit Writing to the Publish Table
feature: omit_publish_table: true
By activating this feature, pages in nodes that do not publish into the filesystem (only into a contentrepository) will not be written into the publish table in the backend. This reduces the size of the backend database and increases publish performance.
When this feature is activated and nodes that were not published into the filesystem are reconfigured to publish into the filesystem, all pages in that node need to be republished using the maintenance dialog.
39 Publish Directory Segment
feature: pub_dir_segment: true
With this feature it is possible to change the way, the publish directories for nodes are constructed.
40 Publish Folder Startpage
feature: publish_folder_startpage: true
An additional checkbox will be shown in the node feature view which allows the activation of an additional instant publishing feature. When enabled the folder startpage of the published pages parent folder will additionally be published when an instant publishing process is invoked.
41 Publish Cache
feature: publish_cache: true
If set to true, the publish process will use an additional cache to improve the performance for rendering pages.
See Publish Cache
42 Reusing inherited page source
feature: publish_inherited_source: true
If set to true, the publish process will first check, whether the rendered page source of a master page can be reused when rendering the inherited page in a channel. The master page source can safely be reused, if no dependency of the page (i.e. no other object, that was used to render the page source) is different (localized) between the master and channel. Using this feature might improve the publish performance, if checking the dependencies is faster than actually rendering the page.
The feature requires that the published master page source is written into the publish table of the backend db. If the feature omit_publish_table is used, this might not always be the case. If the master page source is not written into the publish table, the inherited page is always re-rendered for the channel.
43 Recent Items
See Recent Items
44 Resumable Publish Process
feature: resumable_publish_process: true
See Resumable Publish Process for details.
45 Roles
feature: roles: true
Enables you to use roles for language-specific permissions.
46 Sanitize names
Replaces characters in filenames and headerid names (Aloha Plugin) with a predefined set of characters replacement.
See Sanitize names
47 Secure session cookies
feature: secure_cookie: true
This sets the “Secure” flag in the session cookie. This may only be enabled if all access to the backend and REST-API is done via HTTPS only.
48 Suspend Scheduler
feature: suspend_scheduler: true
Enables suspension of the scheduler for maintenance.
49 Synchronized Object Properties
feature: objtag_sync: true
This feature allows object properties to be synchronized between language variants of pages, page variants or the master object and its localized copies. See Synchronized Object Properties for details.
50 Symlink Files
feature: symlink_files: true
Write symlinks when publishing to the disk rather than writing the whole binary information.
51 Tagmap Use Expression Parser
feature: tagmap_useexpressionparser: true
To enable the Expression Parser for the column “tagname” of the Tagmap set this feature to true
See ExpressionParser for Tagmap Entries
52 Tagtype Categories
feature: construct_categories: true
See Tagtype Categories feature
53 Usersnap integration
feature: usersnap: true
Enables the Usersnap integration.
54 Validation
See Validation
55 View Perms
feature: view_perms: true
Adds an extra entry to the tree that is intended for chief editors to enable them to inspect the permission settings for each group he is able to see. However, permissions can not be changed from this dialog.
56 Wastebin
feature: wastebin: true
Enables the wastebin functionality.
57 WebP Conversion
feature: webp_conversion: true
Publishing WebP images to a Mesh ContentRepository, requires a version of Mesh that also supports WebP for image manipulation.
When active the CMS will automatically convert uploaded images to WebP format for nodes which have the feature enabled. Only newly uploaded images will be converted automatically. The internal image conversion scheduler job is available to convert images that were uploaded when the feature was not active.