Interface ImageResource

All Superinterfaces:

@Path("/image") public interface ImageResource extends AuthenticatedResource
Resource for loading and manipulating Images in GCN
  • Method Details

    • list

      @GET ImageListResponse list(@BeanParam InFolderParameterBean inFolder, @BeanParam FileListParameterBean fileListParams, @BeanParam FilterParameterBean filterParams, @BeanParam SortParameterBean sortingParams, @BeanParam PagingParameterBean pagingParams, @BeanParam EditableParameterBean editableParams, @BeanParam WastebinParameterBean wastebinParams)
      Get a list of images in the specified folder.
      The result can be filtered by
      • id
      • name
      • description
      • niceUrl
      • alternateUrls
      and sorted by
      • id
      • name
      • niceUrl
      • alternateUrls
      • fileSize
      • fileType
      inFolder - Folder ID and recursive parameters
      fileListParams - Further file parameters
      filterParams - Filter parameters
      sortingParams - Sorting parameters
      pagingParams - Paging parameters
      editableParams - Editable parameters
      wastebinParams - Wastebin parameters
      A list of images
    • load

      @GET @Path("/load/{id}") ImageLoadResponse load(@PathParam("id") String id, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("update") boolean update, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("construct") boolean construct, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("package") String stagingPackageName)
      Load the image with given id
      id - image id. This can either be a local or globalid
      update - true when the image is fetched for updating. Currently, images cannot be locked in the backend, but it is still recommended to set this parameter to true when the image shall be modified.
      construct - if true, the construct information will be added to tags
      nodeId - id of the node (channel) for which the image shall be loaded (when multichannelling is used).
      stagingPackageName - name of a content staging package, to check the image status in it
      response containing the image meta data
    • load

      @POST @Path("/load") MultiImageLoadResponse load(MultiObjectLoadRequest request, @QueryParam("fillWithNulls") @DefaultValue("false") boolean fillWithNulls)
      Load a list of images specified in the given request. Image ids for which no images exist, or the user does not have the necessary permissions, are silently ignored.
      request - The request with he list of image ids to load.
      fillWithNulls - flag to have items, which cannot be loaded returned as "null" objects in the response (instead of just omitting them)
      The list of found images, for which the user has enough permissions.
    • resize

      @POST @Path("/resize/") FileUploadResponse resize(ImageResizeRequest imageResizeRequest)
      Rotate by 90° (optionally), crop (optionally) and resize an image (in this order).
      imageResizeRequest - resize request
    • rotate

      @POST @Path("/rotate") ImageLoadResponse rotate(ImageRotateRequest request)
      Rotate an image by 90°
      request - rotate request
    • loadContent loadContent(@PathParam("id") Integer id)
      Get the content of the image with given id
      id - image id to get
      binary content of the image
    • create

      Create a new image
      request - request with data for the image to be created
      response containing the image meta data
    • move

      @POST @Path("/move/{id}") GenericResponse move(@PathParam("id") String id, ObjectMoveRequest request)
      Mpve the given file to another folder
      id - file id
      request - request
      generic response
    • move

      @POST @Path("/move") GenericResponse move(MultiObjectMoveRequest request)
      Move multiple files to another folder
      request - request
      generic response
    • save

      @POST @Path("/save/{id}") GenericResponse save(@PathParam("id") Integer id, ImageSaveRequest request)
      Save the given image
      request - request with the image to be saved
      generic response
    • saveContent

      GenericResponse saveContent(InputStream fileContent)
      Save the posted content into the given image
      fileContent - image content
      generic response
    • delete

      @POST @Path("/delete/{id}") GenericResponse delete(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("noSync") Boolean noCrSync)
      Delete the image denoted by id
      id - id of the image to delete
      nodeId - id of the node (channel) of the image
      noCrSync - don't sync the deletion with the content repo
      response object
    • deleteFromWastebin

      @POST @Path("/wastebin/delete/{id}") GenericResponse deleteFromWastebin(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("wait") @DefaultValue("0") long waitMs)
      Remove the image denoted by the given id from the wastebin.
      id - id of the image to remove from the wastebin. This can either be a local or global id
      waitMs - time in ms for the request to be done in foreground
      response object
    • deleteFromWastebin

      @POST @Path("/wastebin/delete") GenericResponse deleteFromWastebin(IdSetRequest request, @QueryParam("wait") @DefaultValue("0") long waitMs)
      Remove the given images from the wastebin
      request - request containing the image IDs
      waitMs - time in ms for the request to be done in foreground
      response object
    • restoreFromWastebin

      @POST @Path("/wastebin/restore/{id}") GenericResponse restoreFromWastebin(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("wait") @DefaultValue("0") long waitMs)
      Restore the given image from the wastebin
      id - id of the image to restore from the wastebin. This can either be a local or global id
      waitMs - time in ms for the request to be done in foreground
      response object
    • restoreFromWastebin

      @POST @Path("/wastebin/restore") GenericResponse restoreFromWastebin(IdSetRequest request, @QueryParam("wait") @DefaultValue("0") long waitMs)
      Restore the given images from the wastebin
      request - request containing the image IDs
      waitMs - time in ms for the request to be done in foreground
      response object
    • getPrivileges

      PrivilegesResponse getPrivileges(@PathParam("id") Integer id)
      Get the privileges of the current user on the given image
      id - id of the image
      privileges response
    • getTotalFileUsageInfo

      @GET @Path("/usage/total") TotalUsageResponse getTotalFileUsageInfo(@QueryParam("id") List<Integer> imageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId)
      Get the total usage info for the given images.
      imageId - list of image ids, for which the usage shall be fetched
      nodeId - id of the node
      Response which contains the total usage info
    • getFolderUsageInfo

      @GET @Path("/usage/folder") FolderUsageListResponse getFolderUsageInfo(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> imageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("folders") @DefaultValue("true") boolean returnFolders)
      Get the folders using one of the given images.
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      imageId - list of image ids, for which the usage shall be fetched
      nodeId - id of the node
      returnFolders - true (default) if the folders shall be returned, false for only returning the counts
    • getPageUsageInfo

      @GET @Path("/usage/page") PageUsageListResponse getPageUsageInfo(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> imageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("pages") @DefaultValue("true") boolean returnPages, @BeanParam PageModelParameterBean pageModel)
      Get the pages using one of the given images
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      imageId - list of image ids, for which the usage shall be fetched
      nodeId - id of the node
      returnPages - true (default) if the pages shall be returned, false for only returning the counts
      pageModel - page model parameters
    • getTemplateUsageInfo

      @GET @Path("/usage/template") TemplateUsageListResponse getTemplateUsageInfo(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> imageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("templates") @DefaultValue("true") boolean returnTemplates)
      Get the templates using one of the given images
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      imageId - list of image ids, for which the usage shall be fetched
      nodeId - id of the node
      returnTemplates - true (default) if the templates shall be returned, false for only returning the counts
    • getImageUsageInfo

      @GET @Path("/usage/image") FileUsageListResponse getImageUsageInfo(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> imageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("images") @DefaultValue("true") boolean returnImages)
      Get the images using one of the given images
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      imageId - list of image ids, for which the usage shall be fetched
      nodeId - id of the node
      returnImages - true (default) if the images shall be returned, false for only returning the counts
    • getFileUsageInfo

      @GET @Path("/usage/file") FileUsageListResponse getFileUsageInfo(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> imageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("files") @DefaultValue("true") boolean returnFiles)
      Get the files using one of the given images
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      imageId - list of image ids, for which the usage shall be fetched
      nodeId - id of the node
      returnFiles - true (default) if the files shall be returned, false for only returning the counts