Custom Tag- & Property-Editor

Guide for how to implement custom tag- and property-editors for the UI

1 Introduction

While Constructs are versatile and allow for custom data storage and input for users, some data needs special display or input methods.

For example, storing a location. This can be done by storing the geo-coordinates in the tag as coordinates as text inputs, but a user will have to input them into text boxes in a specific format. This is doable, but prone to erronous inputs and is not a great user experience. A better approach would be to use an embeded Map (like OpenStreetView), to let the user pick it directly in the CMS.

For usecases like these, constructs can define a custom tag-editor, to handle all of that behaviour and to create a satisfactory user experience.

2 Differences

There are two possible ways to provide custom logic in this manner: Handling the whole tag-fill of a construct (tag-editor), or only of single tag-part (property-editor).

A custom propery-editor is the simpler and smaller version of the two, and is responsible to manage a single value of a tag-part. On the other hand, a custom tag-editor, replaces the entire tag-fill and has to manage the entirety of the construct.

3 Limitations

Custom Editors are included in a iframe, and need to be accessible from within the CMS. Therefore it’s best advised to put it into a devtool-package under files-internal.

Additionally, due to how iframes are handled in browsers, usages like dropdowns, modals, and other site-wide positioned elements, do not work as one might expect. It is advised to not rely on these at all, as workarounds usually only cause problems.

4 Implementation

4.1 Setup Typings & Building

Unless you wish to not use TypeScript or building for your editor for some reason, you are strongly advised to setup at the very least a minimal build (for example parcel) to catch errors and potential type/api changes before deploying them.

  1. Setup the @gentics namespace/registry for npm
  • Add the following to the .npmrc file (create this file if not present):
  1. Install the @gentics/cms-integration-api-models package via npm
  1. Setup the types Define the needed window-types with a type-definition file: editor.d.ts

import { WindowWithCustomTagPropertyEditor, WindowWithCustomTagEditor } from '@gentics/cms-integration-api-models';

declare global {
    interface Window extends WindowWithCustomTagEditor, WindowWithCustomTagPropertyEditor {}

With basic typing setup complete, you’re all set to develop your own editor.

4.2 Example Template

            <h1 class="title"></h1>
                <input type="text" />

4.3 Example Tag-Editor Implementation

import { CustomTagEditor, TagChangedFn, TagEditorContext } from '@gentics/cms-integration-api-models';
import { EditableTag, StringTagPartProperty } from '@gentics/cms-models';
import { MyCustomEditor } from './custom-editor';

const PROPERTY_KEYWORD_TO_CHANGE = 'examplePart';

// For `MyCustomEditor`, see section "Example Size handling"
class MyCustomTagEditor extends MyCustomEditor implements CustomTagEditor {

    private changeFn?: TagChangedFn;
    private tag?: EditableTag;
    private context?: TagEditorContext;

    private input?: HTMLInputElement | null;
    private deleteButton?: HTMLButtonElement | null;

    editTagLive(tag: EditableTag, context: TagEditorContext, onChangeFn: TagChangedFn): void {
        this.tag = tag;
        this.context = context;
        this.changeFn = onChangeFn;


    private initialize() {
        const title = document.querySelector('.title');
        if (title != null) {
            title.textContent = 'Custom Tag Editor';

        this.input = document.querySelector('input');
        this.deleteButton = document.querySelector('button.delete-button');
        const prop: StringTagPartProperty | undefined = this.tag?.properties?.[PROPERTY_KEYWORD_TO_CHANGE] as any;

        if (this.input != null) {
            this.input.value = prop?.stringValue || '';

            if (this.context?.readOnly) {
                this.input.setAttribute('readonly', 'readonly');
            } else {
                // Add a event listener to detect changes and forward the change to the tag-editor
                this.input.addEventListener('change', () => {
                    if (this.changeFn == null || prop == null) {

                    prop.stringValue = this.input?.value;

                    // This example assumes that the property is a String-Part
                        [PROPERTY_KEYWORD_TO_CHANGE]: prop,

        // Hide the delete button when it's not allowed
        if (this.deleteButton != null && !this.context?.withDelete) {

// Create your editor
const editor = new MyCustomTagEditor();

// Register your editor
window.GcmsCustomTagEditor = editor;

4.4 Example Property-Editor Implementation

import { CustomTagPropertyEditor, TagEditorContext, TagPropertiesChangedFn } from '@gentics/cms-integration-api-models';
import { EditableTag, StringTagPartProperty, TagPart, TagPartProperty, TagPropertyMap } from '@gentics/cms-models';
import { MyCustomEditor } from './custom-editor';

// For `MyCustomEditor`, see section "Example Size handling"
class MyCustomPropertyEditor extends MyCustomEditor implements CustomTagPropertyEditor {

    private part?: TagPart;
    private property?: StringTagPartProperty;
    private changeFn?: TagPropertiesChangedFn;
    private input?: HTMLInputElement | null;

    initTagPropertyEditor(tagPart: TagPart, _tag: EditableTag, tagProperty: TagPartProperty, context: TagEditorContext): void {
        this.part = tagPart;
        // This example assumes that the property is a String-Part = tagProperty as any;
        this.input = document.querySelector('input');

        const title = document.querySelector('.title');
        if (title != null) {
            title.textContent = 'Custom Property Editor';

        if (this.input != null) {
            this.input.value = || '';

            if (context.readOnly) {
                // If it's read only, then we simply disable the input
                this.input.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled');
            } else {
                // Add a event listener to detect changes and forward the change to the tag-editor
                this.input.addEventListener('change', () => {
                    if (this.changeFn == null) {

                    if ( == null || this.part == null) {

           = this.input?.value;


    registerOnChange(fn: TagPropertiesChangedFn): void {
        this.changeFn = fn;

    writeChangedValues(values: Partial<TagPropertyMap>): void {
        if (this.part == null || values?.[this.part.keyword] == null) {

        // The tag-editor or another property-editor has changed our value,
        // therefore we have to update our value in this editor as well.
        // This example assumes that the property is a String-Part = values[this.part.keyword] as any;

        if (this.input != null) {
            this.input.value = || '';

// Create your editor
const editor = new MyCustomPropertyEditor();

// Register your editor
window.GcmsCustomTagPropertyEditor = editor;

4.5 Example Size handling

import { CustomEditor, CustomEditorSizeChangedFn } from '@gentics/cms-integration-api-models';

export abstract class MyCustomEditor implements CustomEditor {

    private sizeChangeCb?: CustomEditorSizeChangedFn;

    registerOnSizeChange(fn: CustomEditorSizeChangedFn): void {
        this.sizeChangeCb = fn;

    updateSize(): void {
        // Return without change fn
        if (this.sizeChangeCb == null) {

        // This will tell the UI how big your editor is, to properly place it
        // and reserve space for it.
        // In this example, it'll always be 300x50
            width: 300,
            height: 150,