
This article describes how to create a consistent backup of Gentics CMS.

Doing backups is not part of Gentics CMS – doing backups is part of each customer’s liability.

Backing up database tables while Gentics CMS is up and running will most certainly lead to data inconsistencies.

The following steps may vary, depending on your system. Please adapt your steps accordingly.

1 Database Backup

Create a backup of your MySQL database.

  # stop Gentics CMS
  # dump the database
  mysqldump --max_allowed_packet=512M -u root -h -P 3306 -p node_utf8 > /Node/tmp/node_utf8.sql

2 File Backup

Backup your database first

# stop Gentics CMS
# create a full backup
tar cvfz /backup/cms-data-`date +%F`.tar.gz /cms/data
# start Gentics CMS

2.1 Differential Backup

Backup your database first

The rdiff-backup package can be used to create incremental backups of the CMS data.

# stop Gentics CMS
# create backup using rdiff-backup
rdiff-backup /cms/ /backup/cms
# start Gentics CMS