Custom Proxy

It is possible to configure access to external resources through GCMS REST endpoints that check for GCMS authentication and authorization.

1 Configuration

External resources are configured in the configuration files:


// configure custom resource with key "myresourcekey"
	baseUrl: "http://myresource/basepath/{{param}}"
      - "GET"
      - "POST"
	  type: 90001
	  id: 1
      Authorization: "Bearer <token>"
        default: "path"
          - "path"
          - "otherpath"
      host: "internal.proxy"
      port: 4711
      enabled: false
      prefix: ""
Property Description Mandatory
baseUrl Base URL of the accessed resource. yes
methods Optional list of allowed HTTP methods. Possible values are DELETE, GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, POST, PUT no
permission GCMS Permission required for accessing the resource. no
headers Optional list of request headers that will be added by the Proxy no
parameters Optional parameters configuration. Parameters can be passed to the proxy as query parameters and will replace {{placeholder}} in the baseUrl. no
proxy Optional HTTP proxy configuration no
jwt Settings for adding JWT to the forwarded request no
jwt.enabled Flag for enabling JWT no
jwt.prefix Optional prefix for username and group names in the claims no

2 REST Endpoint

The base URL for the proxy is http(s)://[gcms.hostname]/rest/proxy/[key] where [key] is the configuration key of the resource.

Any path after the [key] section will be appended to the configured baseUrl.

All headers and query parameters sent to the proxy endpoints will be forwarded to the external resource.


By enabling the flag jwt.enabled on a custom proxy, the CMS will add a Authorization: Bearer token header containing a signed JSON Web Token (JWT) to each forwarded request.

The JWT will be signed with the private key of the CMS (using algorithm RS256), which is created (when is does not exist) upon CMS start and stored as file /cms/keys/private-key.jwk.

The public key, which can be used to verify the signature can be obtained via the REST API by calling

GET http(s)://[gcms.hostname]/rest/admin/publicKey

The JWT will contain the following claims:

Property Description
sub Login name of the user (optionally prefixed)
preferred_username Login name of the user (optionally prefixed)
given_name First name of the user
family_name Last name of the user
email Email address of the user
gcms_groups List of group names, the user is member of (optionally prefixed)
iss “Gentics CMS” – to identify the JWT issuer
iat Current timestamp as “issued at” value

Example JWT:

  "sub": "node",
  "preferred_username": "node",
  "given_name": "Node",
  "family_name": "Admin",
  "email": "",
  "gcms_groups": [
    "Node Super Admin"
  "iss": "Gentics CMS",
  "iat": 1584453152