1 File locations
Gentics CMS logs messages to standard output and for special information (e.g. about publish runs) into log files located in /cms/logs.
2 Configuration
Gentics CMS uses the logging library log4j 2.x.
By default the configuration file is located at `/cms/conf/nodelog.yml` and uses the YAML format.
Configuration: status: error name: CMS Configuration monitorInterval: 10 properties: property: name: filename value: /cms/logs/gentics.log appenders: Console: name: STDOUT target: SYSTEM_OUT PatternLayout: Pattern: "%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n" RollingFile: name: rollingFile fileName: ${filename} filePattern: ${filename}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.gz PatternLayout: Pattern: "%d [%t] %-5p %c - %m%n" Policies: TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy: interval: 1 modulate: true DefaultRollOverStrategy: max: 30 Loggers: Root: level: error AppenderRef: - ref: rollingFile - ref: STDOUT