Configuration of Aloha Settings

This page describes bundle configuration and how to setup custom plugins

1 Configuration Example

Aloha Settings can be configured in a .yml file in /cms/conf using the aloha_settings setting. Those settings will be mapped to a corresponding JavaScript array for use with Aloha Editor. You may also define an exclusive per-node configuration by using aloha_settings.“KEY”, where “key” is either the local id or the global id or the name of the node you want to configure (eg. 1, “3D6C.bbcc391e-ae22-11e9-9f0d-00155df0382f” or “Gentics CMS Demo”).

Configuration per local ID, global ID and name cannot be mixed. The CMS will first look for a configuration by global ID, if that is not found, by node name and if that is not found by local ID.

Per node configuration example:


# configure bundle path for node with global ID 3D6C.bbcc391e-ae22-11e9-9f0d-00155df0382f
     custom: '/customplugins'

Global configuration example:


# Table Plugin
      config: [ "table" ]
        - name: "hor-minimalist-a"
        - name: "box-table-a"
        - name: "hor-zebra"
        - name: "bigbold"
          iconClass: "GENTICS_button_col_bigbold"
        - name: "redwhite"
          iconClass: "GENTICS_button_col_redwhite"
        - name: "bigbold"
          iconClass: "GENTICS_button_row_bigbold"
        - name: "redwhite"
          iconClass: "GENTICS_button_row_redwhite"
    # Image Plugin
      maxWidth: 1024
      maxHeight: 786
      minWidth: 5
      minHeight: 5

2 Configuration of Plugin Bundles

In order for the plugin to be loaded, two settings must be made in the node.conf:

  • Set the path of the bundle
  • Add the plugin to the list of plugins to be loaded
  • Define bundle path

The bundle path for the bundle custom must be configured like this:


    custom: "/customplugins"

3 Configure Aloha Editor in a template

See Configure Aloha Editor in a template

4 Adding custom plugins

Starting with Aloha 0.10, the mechanism for loading plugins was completely changed. It uses require.js now.

4.1 1. Placing the plugin bundle

Plugins are now organized in bundles. We place the custom bundle in a static directory of the CMS installation and add a simple helloworld plugin:

Set the environment variable STATIC_SERVE_LIST=/tmp/customplugins and place the helloworld plugin in the directory:


4.2 2. Example Demo Helloworld Plugin

This is a demo plugin (which just logs ‘Hello World!’ to the JavaScript Console when loaded).


define(['aloha/plugin', 'aloha/jquery'], function(Plugin,jQuery) {
  "use strict";
   var $ = jQuery;

   return Plugin.create('helloworld', {
      init: function() {
        // Executed on plugin initialization
        if (console && console.log) {
           console.log('Hello World!');
      destroy: function() {
        // Executed when this plugin is unloaded

5 Changing the toolbar settings

The toolbar settings contain all components of common and extra plugins, but if custom plugins are added that need to adopt components into the toolbar, the toolbar settings need to be extended.

The default configuration in the GCMS is

<shell filename="conf/*.yml> aloha_settings: toolbar: tabs: – label: “tab.format.label” – label: “tab.insert.label” components: [“gcnArena”] – label: “” components: [“editLink”, “removeLink”, “linkBrowser”, “gcnLinkBrowser”, “gcnFileUpload”]

This can e.g. be extended to add buttons increase and decrease (for the community fontsize plugin) like that:


      - label: "tab.format.label"
        components: [["increase", "decrease"]]
      - label: "tab.insert.label"
        components: [["gcnArena"]]
      - label: ""
        components: ["editLink", "removeLink", "linkBrowser", "gcnLinkBrowser", "gcnFileUpload"]

Note that aloha_jqueryui_settings can also be used. However aloha_jqueryui_settings will always be global (for the whole CMS). aloha_settings is its equivalent and aloha_settings_node."<NODE_GLOBAL_ID>" can be used to specifiy settings for a specific Node.