All Classes and Interfaces

Interface for implementation of access control for all parts of the Portal (including the initialization).
Interface for an action event that may be triggered and handled inside the portal.
Bean for accessing and modifying request parameters before they are sent to the GenticsImageStore
Interface for the Portal User
Used by the {com.gentics.portalnode.GenticsImageStoreServlet} to map image requests to the locations where the images should be fetched from.
This class is just a wrapper aroung a vector.
Interface for objects that need to be notified when some of their subproperties are changed.
Used by the {com.gentics.portalnode.GenticsImageStoreServlet} to modify headers and data in requests to the GenticsImageStore The GenticsImageStore servlet can be configured to use an implementation of this interface by setting the requestDecorator servlet parameter to the full class name the implementation.
Interface for objects that provide properties by resolving property paths.
Interface for Resolvable instances, that support streaming of properties