eMail Sending with Gentics CMS

This section covers the necessary configuration settings, when Gentics CMS shall send inbox messages as eMails.

1 Configuration Settings

The following features may be set to enable eMail sending


# enable the feature to send inbox messages as eMails
  inbox_to_email: true

These are the configuration options for the feature:


# set the hostname of the mailserver. The mailserver must be
# reachable from the Gentics CMS Server and must accept
# relaying eMails from this server. The default is 'localhost'
mailhost: ""

# Port of the mailserver
mailport: 587

# set the eMail Address to be used as Return-Path header (also
# called envelope address). It may be important to set this to
# a real eMail address, because some target mail servers might
# block eMails otherwise.
mailreturnpath: ""

# with this flag, STARTTLS will be used when communicating with the email server (see
mailstarttls: true

# username for email authentication
mailusername: "emailuser"

# password for email authentication
mailpassword: "secret"

As Gentics CMS does not always send emails with a “From”-header, you should configure your mail sending application (sendmail, postfix) to send emails with a valid email address by default (a valid external public DNS hostname). Otherwise other mail servers will maybe reject the emails.