Gentics CMS Forms

With the feature forms it is possible to manage forms in Gentics CMS.

To view Form Generator reports in Gentics CMS the Mesh ContentRepositories that contain your forms need to use Elasticsearch. Results are queried and sorted using Elasticsearch.

1 Configuration

In order to use the feature, it must be activated in the configuration:


	forms: true

A form has one of the following types:

  • "generic"
  • "poll"

For each of these types, a list of available form fields and their properties must be created. A default list has to be placed in a file called form-editor.json. It is used by forms of type "generic". For all other types, the corresponding list has to be placed into form-[FORM TYPE]-editor.json (e.g. form-poll-editor.json) respectively.

These are examples – you can and should adapt these configurations to your needs.


    "form_properties": {
        "admin_mail_options": [
                "key": "useremail",
                "value_i18n_ui": {
                    "en": "Default",
                    "de": "Standard"
        "template_context_options": [
                "key": "theme-red",
                "value_i18n_ui": {
                    "en": "Red theme",
                    "de": "Rotes Thema"
                "key": "theme-blue",
                "value_i18n_ui": {
                    "en": "Blue theme",
                    "de": "Blaues Thema"
    "elements": [
            "type": "input",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Input Field",
                "de": "Eingabefeld"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Generic input field for multiple data types.",
                "de": "Allgemeines Eingabefeld für mehrere Datentypen."
            "label_property_ui": "label",
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "label",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label",
                        "de": "Label"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label for this input field.",
                        "de": "Label für dieses Eingabefeld."
                    "name": "mandatory",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Mandatory",
                        "de": "Verpflichtend"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "This input field is mandatory.",
                        "de": "Dieses Eingabefeld ist verpflichtend."
                    "name": "placeholder",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Placeholder",
                        "de": "Platzhalter"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Placeholder for this input field.",
                        "de": "Platzhalter für dieses Eingabefeld."
                    "name": "validation",
                    "type": "SELECT",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Validator",
                        "de": "Validator"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Validator type that checks user input.",
                        "de": "Art des Validators, der BenutzerInneneingaben überprüft."
                    "options": [
                            "key": "number",
                            "value_i18n_ui": {
                                "en": "Number (Integer)",
                                "de": "Zahl (Integer)"
                            "key": "telephone",
                            "value_i18n_ui": {
                                "en": "Telephone (only numbers, and spaces)",
                                "de": "Telefonnummer (nur Ziffern, und Leerzeichen)"
                            "key": "socialsecurity",
                            "value_i18n_ui": {
                                "en": "Social Security Number (only numbers 10 digits, last 6 digits denote past date)",
                                "de": "SV-Nr (nur Ziffern 10 Stellen, letzten 6 Stellen vergangenes Datum)"
                            "key": "date",
                            "value_i18n_ui": {
                                "en": "Date (format: yyyy-MM-dd)",
                                "de": "Datum (Format: yyyy-MM-dd)"
                            "key": "datepicker",
                            "value_i18n_ui": {
                                "en": "Date (format: DD.MM.YYYY)",
                                "de": "Datum (Format: DD.MM.YYYY)"
                            "key": "time",
                            "value_i18n_ui": {
                                "en": "Time (format: HH:MM)",
                                "de": "Zeit (Format: HH:MM)"
                            "key": "email",
                            "value_i18n_ui": {
                                "en": "Mail",
                                "de": "E-Mail"
                    "name": "value",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Default Value",
                        "de": "Standardwert"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Default value for this input field.",
                        "de": "Standardwert für dieses Eingabefeld."
                    "name": "minVal",
                    "type": "NUMBER",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Minimum Value",
                        "de": "Mindestwert"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Minimum value for number inputs.",
                        "de": "Mindestwert für Zahleneingaben."
                    "name": "maxVal",
                    "type": "NUMBER",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Maximum Value",
                        "de": "Maximalwert"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Maximum value for number inputs.",
                        "de": "Maximalwert für Zahleneingaben."
                    "name": "maxCharCount",
                    "type": "NUMBER",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Input Length",
                        "de": "Eingabelänge"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Maximum number of allowed characters.",
                        "de": "Anzahl der Zeichen, die eingegeben werden dürfen."
            "type": "checkbox",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Checkbox",
                "de": "Checkbox"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Simple checkbox.",
                "de": "Einfache checkbox."
            "label_property_ui": "label",
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "label",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label",
                        "de": "Label"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label for this selection.",
                        "de": "Label für diese Auswahl."
                    "name": "mandatory",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Mandatory",
                        "de": "Verpflichtend"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "This checkbox is mandatory.",
                        "de": "Dieses Checkbox ist verpflichtend."
                    "name": "checked",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Checked",
                        "de": "Ausgewählt"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "This checkbox is checked.",
                        "de": "Dieses Checkbox ist ausgewählt."
                    "name": "value",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Value",
                        "de": "Wert"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Value that is selected by this checkbox.",
                        "de": "Wert der durch diese Checkbox gewählt wird."
                    "default_value_i18n": {
                        "en": "X",
                        "de": "X",
                        "pl": "X",
                        "cs": "X",
                        "hu": "X",
                        "sl": "X",
                        "ar": "X",
                        "bg": "X",
                        "bs": "X",
                        "da": "X",
                        "es": "X",
                        "et": "X",
                        "fa": "X",
                        "fi": "X",
                        "fr": "X",
                        "hr": "X",
                        "it": "X",
                        "ja": "X",
                        "ko": "X",
                        "mk": "X",
                        "nl": "X",
                        "pt": "X",
                        "ro": "X",
                        "ru": "X",
                        "sk": "X",
                        "sq": "X",
                        "sr": "X",
                        "tr": "X",
                        "uk": "X",
                        "ar_eg": "X",
                        "en_ca": "X",
                        "fr_ca": "X"
            "type": "textarea",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Textarea Field",
                "de": "Mehrzeiliges Eingabefeld"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Multi-line text",
                "de": "Mehrzeiliges Eingabefeld"
            "label_property_ui": "label",
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "label",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label",
                        "de": "Label"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label for this input field",
                        "de": "Label für dieses Eingabefeld"
                    "name": "mandatory",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Mandatory",
                        "de": "Verpflichtend"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "This input field is mandatory.",
                        "de": "Dieses Eingabefeld ist verpflichtend."
                    "name": "placeholder",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Placeholder",
                        "de": "Platzhalter"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Placeholder for this input field.",
                        "de": "Platzhalter für dieses Eingabefeld."
                    "name": "maxCharCount",
                    "type": "NUMBER",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Input Length",
                        "de": "Eingabelänge"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Maximum number of allowed characters.",
                        "de": "Anzahl der Zeichen, die eingegeben werden dürfen."
            "type": "selectgroup",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Select",
                "de": "Auswahl"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "List of values to select from.",
                "de": "Liste an auswählbaren Werten."
            "label_property_ui": "label",
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "label",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label",
                        "de": "Label"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label for this selection.",
                        "de": "Label für diese Auswahl."
                    "name": "mandatory",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Mandatory",
                        "de": "Verpflichtend"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "This selection is mandatory.",
                        "de": "Diese Auswahl ist verpflichtend."
                    "name": "select_type",
                    "type": "SELECT",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Type",
                        "de": "Typ"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Type of this selection.",
                        "de": "Typ dieser Auswahl."
                    "options": [
                            "key": "radiobuttons",
                            "value_i18n_ui": {
                                "en": "Radio Buttons",
                                "de": "Radio Buttons"
                            "key": "singleselect",
                            "value_i18n_ui": {
                                "en": "Dropdown with single selection",
                                "de": "Dropdown mit einer Auswahl"
                            "key": "multiselect",
                            "value_i18n_ui": {
                                "en": "Dropdown with multiple selections",
                                "de": "Dropdown mit mehreren Auswahlen"
                    "name": "options",
                    "type": "SELECTABLE_OPTIONS",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Selectable Options",
                        "de": "Auswahlmöglichkeiten"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "List of key value pairs to select from.",
                        "de": "Liste an auswählbaren Schlüssel-Wert-Paaren."
                    "key_label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Value",
                        "de": "Wert"
                    "value_label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label",
                        "de": "Bezeichnung"
                    "name": "additional_element",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Additional Element",
                        "de": "Zusätzliches Element"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Field to enter additional selection option.",
                        "de": "Möglichkeit eine weitere Auswahlmöglichkeit einzugeben."
            "type": "file",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "File Upload",
                "de": "Fileupload"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Simple file upload.",
                "de": "Einfacher Fileupload."
            "label_property_ui": "label",
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "label",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label",
                        "de": "Label"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label for this file upload.",
                        "de": "Label für diesen Fileupload."
                    "name": "mandatory",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Mandatory",
                        "de": "Verpflichtend"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "This file upload is mandatory.",
                        "de": "Dieser Fileupload ist verpflichtend."
                    "name": "description",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Description",
                        "de": "Beschreibung"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "The description of the upload element.",
                        "de": "Die Beschreibung des Upload-Elements."
                    "name": "tooltip",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Tooltip",
                        "de": "Tooltip"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "The tooltip of the upload element.",
                        "de": "Der Tooltip des Upload-Elements."
                    "name": "max_filesize",
                    "type": "NUMBER",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Max. Filesize (MB)",
                        "de": "Max. Dateigröße (MB)"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Max. allowed Filesize (MB)",
                        "de": "Max. erlaubte Dateigröße (MB)"
            "type": "usermail",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "User EMail Field",
                "de": "Benutzer E-Mail Feld"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Field for user eMail. When filled, the user will get an eMail after filling out the form.",
                "de": "Feld für Benutzer eMail. Wenn ausgefüllt, bekommt der Benutzer ein eMail nach dem Absenden des Formulares."
            "label_property_ui": "label",
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "label",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label",
                        "de": "Label"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label for this input field.",
                        "de": "Label für dieses Eingabefeld."
                    "name": "mandatory",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Mandatory",
                        "de": "Verpflichtend"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "This input field is mandatory.",
                        "de": "Dieses Eingabefeld ist verpflichtend."
                    "name": "placeholder",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Placeholder",
                        "de": "Platzhalter"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Placeholder for this input field.",
                        "de": "Platzhalter für dieses Eingabefeld."
                    "name": "description",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Description",
                        "de": "Beschreibung"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "The description of the user mail element.",
                        "de": "Die Beschreibung des Benutzer-E-Mail-Elements."

                    "name": "tooltip",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Tooltip",
                        "de": "Tooltip"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "The tooltip of the user mail element.",
                        "de": "Der Tooltip des Benutzer-E-Mail-Elements."
                    "name": "maxCharCount",
                    "type": "NUMBER",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Input Length",
                        "de": "Eingabelänge"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Maximum number of allowed characters.",
                        "de": "Anzahl der Zeichen, die eingegeben werden dürfen."
                    "name": "mailsubject",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Email Subject",
                        "de": "E-Mail Betreff"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Subject of the Email, sent to the user.",
                        "de": "Betreff des E-Mails, das an den Benutzer geschickt wird."
                    "name": "mailtemplate",
                    "type": "SELECT",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Email Template",
                        "de": "E-Mail Vorlage"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Template, which is used to display the Email body.",
                        "de": "Vorlage, die zur Darstellung des E-Mail Inhalts verwendet wird."
                    "options": [
                            "key": "useremail",
                            "value_i18n_ui": {
                                "en": "Default",
                                "de": "Standard"
                    "name": "mailsource",
                    "type": "REPOSITORY_BROWSER",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Email Template from Page",
                        "de": "E-Mail Vorlage als Seite"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Template from Page, which is used to display the Email body.",
                        "de": "Vorlage als Seite, die zur Darstellung des E-Mail Inhalts verwendet wird."
                    "options": {
                        "allowedSelection": "page",
                        "includeMlId": [21],
                        "selectMultiple": false,
                        "title": "modal.repository_browser_title_forms_email_template_single"
            "type": "recaptcha",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Recaptcha",
                "de": "Recaptcha"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Recaptcha spam protection.",
                "de": "Recaptcha Spamschutz."
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": []
            "type": "buttons",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Button",
                "de": "Button"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Submit and optional reset button",
                "de": "Buttons um Formular abzuschicken und zurückzusetzen"
            "label_property_ui": "submitlabel",
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "submitlabel",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label",
                        "de": "Label"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label for this button.",
                        "de": "Label für diesen Button."
                    "name": "showreset",
                    "type": "BOOLEAN",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Show reset button",
                        "de": "Reset Button anzeigen"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "If checked will show a reset button.",
                        "de": "Wenn aktiv wird ein Reset Button angezeigt."
                    "name": "resetlabel",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label of reset button",
                        "de": "Label des Reset Buttons"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label for the reset button.",
                        "de": "Label für den Reset Button."
            "type": "sectionheadline",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Headline",
                "de": "Überschrift"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Headline for a new section of the form.",
                "de": "Überschrift für einen neuen Abschnitt im Formular."
            "label_property_ui": "text",
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "text",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Text",
                        "de": "Text"
            "type": "text",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Text",
                "de": "Text"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Text to furher explain the form.",
                "de": "Text um weitere Erklärungen zwischen den Formularfeldern anzuzeigen."
            "label_property_ui": "text",
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "text",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Text",
                        "de": "Text"
            "type": "spacer",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Spacer",
                "de": "Abstand"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Adds space between form elements.",
                "de": "Vergrößert den Abstand zwischen Form-Elementen."
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": []
            "type": "group",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Group",
                "de": "Gruppe"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Group of form elements.",
                "de": "Gruppe an Formularelementen."
            "is_container": true,
            "properties": []
            "type": "conditionalcontainer",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Conditional container",
                "de": "Wenn-Dann-Container"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Conditional container which contents is only active when the checked element has the expected value.",
                "de": "Wenn-Dann-Container dessen Inhalt nur aktiv ist, wenn das geprüfte Element den erwarteten Wert hat."
            "label_property_ui": "label",
            "is_container": true,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "label",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label",
                        "de": "Label"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Label for this container.",
                        "de": "Label für diesen Container."
                    "name": "element_to_check",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Element name",
                        "de": "Elementname"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Element to check.",
                        "de": "Zu prüfendes Element."
                    "name": "value_to_check",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Value",
                        "de": "Wert"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Expected value.",
                        "de": "Erwarteter Wert."
            "type": "formpage",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Page",
                "de": "Seite"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Splits the form into multiple pages.",
                "de": "Unterteilt das Formular in mehrere Seiten."
            "label_property_ui": "description",
            "is_container": true,
            "properties": [
                    "name": "description",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Name",
                        "de": "Name"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Name of the page.",
                        "de": "Name der Seite."
                    "name": "info",
                    "type": "STRING",
                    "label_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Description",
                        "de": "Beschreibung"
                    "description_i18n_ui": {
                        "en": "Description for this page.",
                        "de": "Beschreibung für diese Seite."
            "type": "formprogress",
            "type_label_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Progress Bar",
                "de": "Fortschrittsbalken"
            "description_i18n_ui": {
                "en": "Simple progress bar.",
                "de": "Einfacher Fortschrittsbalken."
            "is_container": false,
            "properties": []

	"elements": [
			"type": "checkbox",
			"type_label_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "Checkbox",
				"de": "Checkbox"
			"description_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "Simple checkbox.",
				"de": "Einfache checkbox."
			"label_property_ui": "label",
			"is_container": false,
			"properties": [
					"name": "label",
					"type": "STRING",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Label",
						"de": "Label"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Label for this selection.",
						"de": "Label für diese Auswahl."
					"name": "mandatory",
					"type": "BOOLEAN",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Mandatory",
						"de": "Verpflichtend"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "This checkbox is mandatory.",
						"de": "Dieses Checkbox ist verpflichtend."
					"name": "checked",
					"type": "BOOLEAN",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Checked",
						"de": "Ausgewählt"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "This checkbox is checked.",
						"de": "Dieses Checkbox ist ausgewählt."
					"name": "value",
					"type": "STRING",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Value",
						"de": "Wert"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Value that is selected by this checkbox.",
						"de": "Wert der durch diese Checkbox gewählt wird."
					"default_value_i18n": {
						"en": "X",
						"de": "X",
						"pl": "X",
						"cs": "X",
						"hu": "X",
						"sl": "X",
						"ar": "X",
						"bg": "X",
						"bs": "X",
						"da": "X",
						"es": "X",
						"et": "X",
						"fa": "X",
						"fi": "X",
						"fr": "X",
						"hr": "X",
						"it": "X",
						"ja": "X",
						"ko": "X",
						"mk": "X",
						"nl": "X",
						"pt": "X",
						"ro": "X",
						"ru": "X",
						"sk": "X",
						"sq": "X",
						"sr": "X",
						"tr": "X",
						"uk": "X",
						"ar_eg": "X",
						"en_ca": "X",
						"fr_ca": "X"
			"type": "selectgroup",
			"type_label_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "Select",
				"de": "Auswahl"
			"description_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "List of values to select from.",
				"de": "Liste an auswählbaren Werten."
			"label_property_ui": "label",
			"is_container": false,
			"properties": [
					"name": "label",
					"type": "STRING",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Label",
						"de": "Label"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Label for this selection.",
						"de": "Label für diese Auswahl."
					"name": "mandatory",
					"type": "BOOLEAN",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Mandatory",
						"de": "Verpflichtend"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "This selection is mandatory.",
						"de": "Diese Auswahl ist verpflichtend."
					"name": "select_type",
					"type": "SELECT",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Type",
						"de": "Typ"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Type of this selection.",
						"de": "Typ dieser Auswahl."
					"options": [
							"key": "radiobuttons",
							"value_i18n_ui": {
								"en": "Radio Buttons",
								"de": "Radio Buttons"
							"key": "singleselect",
							"value_i18n_ui": {
								"en": "Dropdown with single selection",
								"de": "Dropdown mit einer Auswahl"
							"key": "multiselect",
							"value_i18n_ui": {
								"en": "Dropdown with multiple selections",
								"de": "Dropdown mit mehreren Auswahlen"
					"name": "options",
					"type": "SELECTABLE_OPTIONS",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Selectable Options",
						"de": "Auswahlmöglichkeiten"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "List of key value pairs to select from.",
						"de": "Liste an auswählbaren Schlüssel-Wert-Paaren."
					"name": "additional_element",
					"type": "BOOLEAN",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Additional Element",
						"de": "Zusätzliches Element"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Field to enter additional selection option.",
						"de": "Möglichkeit eine weitere Auswahlmöglichkeit einzugeben."
			"type": "buttons",
			"type_label_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "Button",
				"de": "Button"
			"description_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "Submit and optional reset button",
				"de": "Buttons um Formular abzuschicken und zurückzusetzen"
			"label_property_ui": "submitlabel",
			"is_container": false,
			"properties": [
					"name": "submitlabel",
					"type": "STRING",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Label",
						"de": "Label"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Label for this button.",
						"de": "Label für diesen Button."
					"name": "showreset",
					"type": "BOOLEAN",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Show reset button",
						"de": "Reset Button anzeigen"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "If checked will show a reset button.",
						"de": "Wenn aktiv wird ein Reset Button angezeigt."
					"name": "resetlabel",
					"type": "STRING",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Label of reset button",
						"de": "Label des Reset Buttons"
					"description_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Label for the reset button.",
						"de": "Label für den Reset Button."
			"type": "sectionheadline",
			"type_label_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "Headline",
				"de": "Überschrift"
			"description_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "Headline for a new section of the form.",
				"de": "Überschrift für einen neuen Abschnitt im Formular."
			"label_property_ui": "text",
			"is_container": false,
			"properties": [
					"name": "text",
					"type": "STRING",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Text",
						"de": "Text"
			"type": "text",
			"type_label_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "Text",
				"de": "Text"
			"description_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "Text to furher explain the form.",
				"de": "Text um weitere Erklärungen zwischen den Formularfeldern anzuzeigen."
			"label_property_ui": "text",
			"is_container": false,
			"properties": [
					"name": "text",
					"type": "STRING",
					"label_i18n_ui": {
						"en": "Text",
						"de": "Text"
			"type": "spacer",
			"type_label_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "Spacer",
				"de": "Abstand"
			"description_i18n_ui": {
				"en": "Adds space between form elements.",
				"de": "Vergrößert den Abstand zwischen Form-Elementen."
			"is_container": false,
			"properties": []

Assign at least one language to the node where you will be creating forms.

After this, the feature must be enabled for all Nodes, that need to contain forms.

2 Implementation using Handlebars

For including forms into pages using Handlebars, a tagtype with two parts needs to be created:

The Handlebars Part should have the following template:

{{#gtx_form type="java"}}
    {{gtx_i18n de="Kein Formular ausgewählt" en="No Form selected"}}

For details on the gtx_form helper see Rendering with Handlebars

3 Implementation using Velocity

For including forms into pages using Velocity, it is necessary to create a tagtype with at least the following parts:

Contents of the part “Template”:

#gtx_form($, {
  "type": "java",
  "noForm": {
    "de": "Kein Formular ausgewählt",
    "en": "No Form selected"

3.1 Form Directive

The directive #gtx_form is used to render the template code necessary for rendering a CMS Form into a page in either Gentics Portal | java or Gentics Portal | php.

The first parameter passed to the directive is the (internal) CMS Form ID (taken from the part of type “CMS Form”), and the second parameter defines some options for rendering:

Name Description Default
type Type of used portal. Must be either java or php java
noForm Optional replacement, when no form (or an offline form) has been selected. Can either be a single string, or a translation map (as seen in the example above) (empty)
previewRoot HTML Element, which should be rendered as root element for the preview div
templateContext Additional path segments for templates used to render the form. The actual path used is the templatesPath (from plugin configuration) + /templateContext. (empty)
showResults Boolean flag to force rendering results of a poll instead of the form itself. (This has no effect on non-poll forms.) false

4 E-mail template pages

It is possible to create special pages in the CMS, which can be used as templates for mails, which are sent by forms (either admin mails or user mails).

The pages must be created from templates, which use the markup language Forms e-mail template and must render valid Handlebars code.

Those pages will be excluded from publishing, they will neither be written into the filesystem nor into a Content.Repository.