GCMS UI Object Overview

The GCMS UI object provides access to some of the GCMS UI functionality from within editor and tagfill IFrames.

1 TypeScript definition of the GCMSUI interface

In editor and tagfill IFrames a global object for communicating with GCMS UI is available. It is available as window.GCMSUI and has the following TypeScript interface definition:

interface GCMSUI {
 * Executes the pre-load script in the context of the IFrame.
 * This method is called by the code inside the IFrame when the `DOMContentLoaded` event is fired.
runPreLoadScript: () => void;

 * Executes the post-load script in the context of the IFrame.
 * This method is called by the code inside the IFrame when the `load` event is fired.
runPostLoadScript: () => void;

 * Opens the repository browser window.
 * Returns Promise which resolves to `ItemInNode | TagInContainer` if `selectMultiple` is false and
 * to `(ItemInNode | TagInContainer)[]` if `selectMultiple` is true.
 * The Promise resolves to null if user clicks on cancel button.
openRepositoryBrowser: (options: RepositoryBrowserOptions) => Promise<(ItemInNode | TagInContainer) | (ItemInNode | TagInContainer)[]>;

/** An object containing useful information about the current state of the UI */
appState: ExposedPartialState;

/** Registers a callback which is invoked whenever the contents of the appState change */
onStateChange: (handler: StateChangedHandler) => void;

/** Paths to various endpoints in use by the UI */
paths: {
    apiBaseUrl: string;
    alohapageUrl: string;
    contentnodeUrl: string;
    imagestoreUrl: string;

 * Makes a GET request to an endpoint of the GCMS REST API and returns the parsed JSON object.
 * The endpoint should not include the base URL of the REST API, but just the endpoint as per
 * the documentation, e.g. `/folder/create`.
restRequestGET: (endpoint: string, params?: object) => Promise<object>;

 * Makes a POST request to an endpoint of the GCMS REST API and returns the parsed JSON object.
 * The endpoint should not include the base URL of the REST API, but just the endpoint as per
 * the documentation, e.g. `/folder/create`.
restRequestPOST: (endpoint: string, data: object, params?: object) => Promise<object>;

 * Makes a DELETE request to an endpoint of the GCMS REST API and returns the parsed JSON object (if present).
 * The endpoint should not include the base URL of the REST API, but just the endpoint as per
 * the documentation, e.g. `/folder/create`.
restRequestDELETE: (endpoint: string, params?: object) => Promise<void | object>;

 * Tells the editor whether the page content has been modified. When set to `true`, the
 * "save" button will be enabled.
setContentModified: (modified: boolean) => void;

 * Opens the image editor for the specified image.
 * @returns a promise, which will resolve to either the edited image
 * (this may be a copy of the original image as well) or to void if the
 * user canceled the edit or an error occurred.
editImage: (nodeId: number, imageId: number) => Promise<Image | void>;

callDebugTool: () => void;

 * Opens a tag editor for the specified tag.
 * Based on the configuration of the TagType, either the GenticsTagEditor or
 * a custom tag editor is used.
 * @param tag The tag to be edited - the property tag.tagType must be set.
 * @param context The current context.
 * @returns A promise, which when the user clicks OK, resolves and returns a copy of the edited tag
 * and when the user clicks Cancel, rejects.
openTagEditor: (tag: Tag, tagType: TagType, page: Page) => Promise<Tag>;

 * Opens an the upload modal to allow the user to upload files/images to a specified folder.
 * @param uploadType The type the user should be allowed to upload. Either 'image' or 'file'.
 * @param destinationFolder The folder to where the file/image should be uploaded to.
 * @param allowFolderSelection If the user should be allowed to change the destination folder.
 * @returns A Promise for the uploaded file/image.
openUploadModal: (uploadType: 'image' | 'file', destinationFolder?: Folder, allowFolderSelection?: boolean) => Promise<FileOrImage>;

We will now explain few functions better to understand how to use them.

2 Method to open the Repository Browser

    .then(page => useSelectedPage(page));

This method opens a repository browser window that allows selecting items / an item from multichannelling nodes and their subfolders. It can be used for single or multiple selection and limit the type of the allowed selection.

All possible options:

allowedSelection: ['file', 'image'], // valid options:  'page' | 'folder' | 'image' | 'file' | 'template' | 'contenttag' | 'templatetag' | 'form'
multiple: true, // optional, default: false
startNode: 7, // optional, default: current Node
startFolder: 10, // optional, default current Folder
onlyInCurrentNode: true, // optional, default false
title: 'Select a file or image that should be linked in the article', // optional, default text will be displayed
submitLabel: 'Add to article' // optional, default text will be displayed

The method returns a Promise, which resolves to the selected item if selectMultiple is false and to an array of selected items if selectMultiple is true. If user clicks on the cancel button, the promise neither resolves nor rejects.

3 Method to open the Image editor

GCMSUI.editImage(nodeId, imageId)

This method opens the image editor for the specified image.

The method returns a promise, which will resolve to either the edited image (this may be a copy of the original image as well) or to void if the user canceled the edit or an error occurred.

4 Method to open the Tag Editor

GCMSUI.openTagEditor(tag, tagType, page);

This method opens a tag editor for the specified tag. Based on the configuration of the TagType, either the GenticsTagEditor or a custom tag editor is used.

The method returns a promise, which when the user clicks OK, resolves and returns a copy of the edited tag and when the user clicks Cancel, rejects.