Interface PageResource

All Superinterfaces:

@Path("/page") public interface PageResource extends AuthenticatedResource
Resource used for loading, saving and manipulating GCN pages.
  • Method Details

    • list

      @GET PageListResponse list(@BeanParam InFolderParameterBean inFolder, @BeanParam PageListParameterBean pageListParams, @BeanParam FilterParameterBean filterParams, @BeanParam SortParameterBean sortingParams, @BeanParam PagingParameterBean pagingParams, @BeanParam PublishableParameterBean publishParams, @BeanParam WastebinParameterBean wastebinParams)
      Get a list of pages in the specified folder.
      The result can be filtered by
      • id
      • name
      • fileName
      • description
      • niceUrl
      • alternateUrls
      and sorted by
      • id
      • name
      • fileName
      • niceUrl
      • alternateUrls
      inFolder - Folder ID and recursive parameters
      pageListParams - Further page parameters
      filterParams - Filter parameters
      sortingParams - Sorting parameters
      pagingParams - Paging parameters
      publishParams - Publishable parameters
      wastebinParams - Wastebin parameters
      A list of pages
    • create

      @POST @Path("/create") PageLoadResponse create(PageCreateRequest request)
      Create a page based on the given pagecreaterequest
      request - containing data for creating the page
      PageLoadResponse with the created page
    • copy

      @POST @Path("/copy") PageCopyResponse copy(PageCopyRequest request, @QueryParam("wait") @DefaultValue("0") long waitMs)
      Copy a batch of pages or a single copy using the PageCopyRequest options.
      request - Request containing data for the batch copy
      waitMs - wait timeout in milliseconds
    • move

      @POST @Path("/move/{id}") GenericResponse move(@PathParam("id") String id, ObjectMoveRequest request)
      Move the given page to another folder
      id - page id
      request - request
      generic response
    • move

      @POST @Path("/move") GenericResponse move(MultiObjectMoveRequest request)
      Move multiple pages to another folder
      request - request
      generic response
    • save

      @POST @Path("/save/{id}") GenericResponse save(@PathParam("id") String id, PageSaveRequest request)
      Saves a page into GCN
      id - Id of the page to save. This can either be a local or global id
      request - page save request
    • load

      @GET @Path("/load/{id}") PageLoadResponse load(@PathParam("id") String id, @DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("update") boolean update, @QueryParam("template") @DefaultValue("false") boolean template, @QueryParam("folder") @DefaultValue("false") boolean folder, @QueryParam("langvars") @DefaultValue("false") boolean languageVariants, @QueryParam("pagevars") @DefaultValue("false") boolean pageVariants, @QueryParam("workflow") @DefaultValue("false") boolean workflow, @QueryParam("translationstatus") @DefaultValue("false") boolean translationStatus, @QueryParam("versioninfo") @DefaultValue("false") boolean versionInfo, @QueryParam("disinherited") @DefaultValue("false") boolean disinherited, @QueryParam("construct") @DefaultValue("false") boolean construct, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("package") String stagingPackageName)
      Loads a page from GCN. For now this page only contains meta data about the page and no contents. When using loading pages, it is important to note that the returned tag data may be loaded differently depending on whether or not the page is loaded for editing ("update" flag is set to true). Loading a page with the update flag set to false allows you to load the page without causing it to be locked for editing, but it means that any tags which have not been filled will be loaded without all their tag parts. Tags that have not been filled, and that do not have default values will be loaded with empty properties in this case. On the other hand, when loading pages for editing, any tags that have no been filled, will have their constituents part auto-generated. Consequently, when loading pages via the REST-API or GCNJSAPI, setting the update flag to true will cause all tags to be loaded with all parts data (auto-generated if necessary), whereas when loading a page with update set to false, any tags which have not had their parts filled will be loaded without their parts data.
      id - The id of the page to load. This can either be a localid or a globalid
      update - true when the page shall be locked, false if not
      template - true if the template information shall be added
      folder - true if the folder information shall be added
      languageVariants - true if the language variants shall be added
      workflow - true if the workflow information shall be added
      translationStatus - true if the translationstatus information shall be added
      versionInfo - true if version information shall be added
      disinherited - if true, disinherited channel nodes shall be added
      construct - if true, the construct info will be added to tags
      nodeId - channel id
      stagingPackageName - name of a content staging package, to check the page status in it
      PageLoadResponse Response with the loaded page
    • load

      @POST @Path("/load") MultiPageLoadResponse load(MultiPageLoadRequest request, @QueryParam("fillWithNulls") @DefaultValue("false") boolean fillWithNulls)
      Load a list of pages specified in the given request. Page ids for which no pages exist, or the user does not have the necessary permissions, are silently ignored.
      request - The request with he list of page ids to load.
      fillWithNulls - flag to have items, which cannot be loaded returned as "null" objects in the response (instead of just omitting them)
      The list of found pages, for which the user has enough permissions.
    • preview

      @POST @Path("/preview") PagePreviewResponse preview(PagePreviewRequest request)
      Render given page in a preview (before actually saving it)
      preview of the page
    • assign

      @POST @Path("/assign") GenericResponse assign(MultiPageAssignRequest request)
      Inform a list of users that the list of pages have been put back into revision.
      request -
    • publish

      @POST @Path("/publish") GenericResponse publish(@QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, MultiPagePublishRequest request)
      Publish a list of pages. Instant publishing will not be done, when using this method.
      nodeId - channel id
      request - publish request
      response object
    • publish

      @POST @Path("/publish/{id}") GenericResponse publish(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, PagePublishRequest request)
      Publish the page denoted by id (or send it in the queue when the User has not permission to publish the page). If the page is published and the node publishes into a contentrepository with instant publishing, the page will immediately be written into the contentrepository
      id - id of the Page to publish. This can either be a local or globalid
      nodeId - channel id
      request - publish page request
      response object
    • delete

      @POST @Path("/delete/{id}") GenericResponse delete(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("noSync") Boolean noCrSync)
      Delete the page denoted by id. Note that inherited or localized pages can't be deleted in a channel. However you can delete an inherited page in the master and unlocalize a localized page.
      id - id of the Page to delete. This can either be a local or global id
      nodeId - channel id
      noCrSync - don't sync the deletion with the content repo
      response object
    • deleteFromWastebin

      @POST @Path("/wastebin/delete/{id}") GenericResponse deleteFromWastebin(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("wait") @DefaultValue("0") long waitMs)
      Remove the page denoted by the given id from the wastebin.
      id - id of the page to remove from the wastebin. This can either be a local or global id
      waitMs - time in ms for the request to be done in foreground
      response object
    • deleteFromWastebin

      @POST @Path("/wastebin/delete") GenericResponse deleteFromWastebin(PageIdSetRequest request, @QueryParam("wait") @DefaultValue("0") long waitMs)
      Remove the given pages from the wastebin
      request - request containing the page IDs
      waitMs - time in ms for the request to be done in foreground
      response object
    • restoreFromWastebin

      @POST @Path("/wastebin/restore/{id}") GenericResponse restoreFromWastebin(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("wait") @DefaultValue("0") long waitMs)
      Restore the given page from the wastebin
      id - id of the page to restore from the wastebin. This can either be a local or global id
      waitMs - time in ms for the request to be done in foreground
      response object
    • restoreFromWastebin

      @POST @Path("/wastebin/restore") GenericResponse restoreFromWastebin(PageIdSetRequest request, @QueryParam("wait") @DefaultValue("0") long waitMs)
      Restore the given pages from the wastebin
      request - request containing the page IDs
      waitMs - time in ms for the request to be done in foreground
      response object
    • cancel

      @POST @Path("/cancel/{id}") GenericResponse cancel(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId)
      Cancel editing the page. The page will be rolled back to the last version (changes made since the last version will be lost). The edit lock on the page will be raised, so that other users may edit the page.
      id - id of the Page which is currently edited
      nodeId - channel id
      response object
    • render

      @POST @Path("/render") PageRenderResponse render(@QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("template") String template, @QueryParam("edit") @DefaultValue("false") boolean editMode, @QueryParam("proxyprefix") String proxyprefix, @QueryParam("links") @DefaultValue("backend") LinksType linksType, @QueryParam("tagmap") @DefaultValue("false") boolean tagmap, @QueryParam("inherited") @DefaultValue("false") boolean inherited, @QueryParam("publish") @DefaultValue("false") boolean publish, Page page)
      Render a preview of the posted page
      nodeId - node id (if rendering a page for a channel)
      template - template to render (if not set, the page's template will be rendered)
      editMode - true for rendering in edit mode, false for preview mode
      proxyprefix - proxyprefix
      linksType - type of links (frontend or backend)
      tagmap - true to also render the tagmap entries
      inherited - true to render the inherited content and properties
      publish - True to render in publish mode
      response containing the rendered page and other important information
    • render

      @GET @Path("/render/{id}") PageRenderResponse render(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("template") String template, @QueryParam("edit") @DefaultValue("false") boolean editMode, @QueryParam("proxyprefix") String proxyprefix, @QueryParam("links") @DefaultValue("backend") LinksType linksType, @QueryParam("tagmap") @DefaultValue("false") boolean tagmap, @QueryParam("inherited") @DefaultValue("false") boolean inherited, @QueryParam("publish") @DefaultValue("false") boolean publish, @QueryParam("version") Integer versionTimestamp)
      Render the given page Info: This currently doesn't return tag render errors.
      id - id of the page
      nodeId - node id (if rendering a page for a channel)
      template - template to render (if not set, the page's template will be rendered)
      editMode - true for rendering in edit mode, false for preview mode
      proxyprefix - proxyprefix
      linksType - type of links (frontend or backend)
      tagmap - true to also render the tagmap entries
      inherited - true to render the inherited content and properties
      publish - True to render in publish mode
      versionTimestamp - optional version timestamp for rendering a version of the page
      response containing the rendered page and other important information
    • renderContent

      @GET @Path("/render/content/{id}") renderContent(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("version") Integer versionTimestamp)
      Render the content of the given page in preview mode
      id - page ID
      nodeId - optional node ID
      versionTimestamp - optional version timestamp for rendering a version of the page
      page content response
    • diffVersions

      @GET @Path("/diff/versions/{id}") diffVersions(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("old") @DefaultValue("0") int oldVersion, @QueryParam("new") @DefaultValue("0") int newVersion, @QueryParam("source") @DefaultValue("false") boolean source)
      Render the difference between two versions of the page
      id - page ID
      nodeId - optional node ID
      oldVersion - old page version
      newVersion - new page version
      source - true to show the diff in the source code, otherwise the diff is shown in the html
      page content response
    • diffWithOtherPage

      @GET @Path("/diff/{id}") diffWithOtherPage(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("otherPageId") @DefaultValue("0") int otherPageId, @QueryParam("source") @DefaultValue("false") boolean source)
      Render the difference between the page and another page
      id - page ID
      nodeId - optional node ID
      otherPageId - ID of the other page
      source - true to show the diff in the source code, otherwise the diff is shown in the html
      page content response
    • renderTag

      @POST @Path("/renderTag/{tag}") PageRenderResponse renderTag(@PathParam("tag") String tag, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("proxyprefix") String proxyprefix, @QueryParam("links") @DefaultValue("backend") LinksType linksType, Page page)
      Render a tag preview for the posted page
      tag - name of the tag to render
      nodeId - node id (if rendering a page for a channel)
      proxyprefix - proxyprefix
      linksType - type of links (frontend or backend)
      page - posted page
      response containing the rendered tag and other important information
    • renderTag

      @GET @Path("/renderTag/{id}/{tag}") PageRenderResponse renderTag(@PathParam("id") String id, @PathParam("tag") String tag, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("proxyprefix") String proxyprefix, @QueryParam("links") @DefaultValue("backend") LinksType linksType)
      Render a tag of the given page
      id - id of the page
      tag - name of the tag to render
      nodeId - node id (if rendering a page for a channel)
      proxyprefix - proxyprefix
      linksType - type of links (frontend or backend)
      response containing the rendered tag and other important information
    • getTags

      @GET @Path("/getTags/{id}") TagListResponse getTags(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") TagSortAttribute sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") SortOrder sortOrder, @QueryParam("search") String search)
      Get the list of tags (contenttags and templatetags) for this page
      id - id of the page
      response object
    • getPrivileges

      PrivilegesResponse getPrivileges(@PathParam("id") Integer id)
      Get the privileges of the current user on the given page
      id - id of the page
      privileges response
    • createTag

      @POST @Path("/newtag/{id}") TagCreateResponse createTag(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("constructId") Integer constructId, @QueryParam("keyword") String keyword, ContentTagCreateRequest request)
      Create a new tag in the given page
      id - id of the page. This can either be a local or globalid
      constructId - id of the tags construct
      keyword - keyword of the construct
      request - tag create request
      response containing the rendered tag
    • createTags

      @POST @Path("/newtags/{id}") MultiTagCreateResponse createTags(@PathParam("id") String id, MultiTagCreateRequest request)
      Create multiple tags in the given page
      id - id of the page
      request - tag create request
      response containing the created tags
    • restoreVersion

      @POST @Path("/restore/{id}") PageLoadResponse restoreVersion(@PathParam("id") String id, @QueryParam("version") Integer versionTimestamp)
      Restore the page version with the given version timestamp
      id - The id of the page that should be restored. This can either be a local or globalid
      versionTimestamp - version timestamp
    • restoreTag

      @POST @Path("/restore/{pageid}/{tag}") TagListResponse restoreTag(@PathParam("pageid") String pageId, @PathParam("tag") String tag, @QueryParam("version") Integer versionTimestamp)
      Restore a single tag in the page with the given version timestamp
      pageId - id of the page. This can either be a local or globalid
      tag - id or name of the tag
      versionTimestamp - version timestamp
      restored tag
    • translate

      @POST @Path("/translate/{id}") PageLoadResponse translate(@PathParam("id") Integer id, @QueryParam("language") String languageCode, @QueryParam("locked") @DefaultValue("true") boolean locked, @QueryParam("channelId") Integer channelId)
      Translate the page into the given language. When the language variant of the page exists, it is just locked and returned, otherwise the page is copied into the language variant and returned. This method fails, if the requested language is not available for the node of the page or the user has no permission to create/edit the given language variant
      id - id of the page to translate
      languageCode - code of the language into which the page shall be translated
      locked - true if the translation shall be locked, false if not
      channelId - for multichannelling, specify channel in which to create page (can be 0 or equal to node ID to be ignored)
      page load response
    • workflowRevoke

      @POST @Path("/workflow/revoke/{id}") GenericResponse workflowRevoke(@PathParam("id") Integer id)
      Revoke the last step of the workflow
      id - id of the page
      generic response
    • workflowDecline

      @POST @Path("/workflow/decline/{id}") GenericResponse workflowDecline(@PathParam("id") String id, WorkflowRequest request)
      Decline the workflow for the page (i.e. give it back to a lower group)
      id - id of the page. This can either be a local or globalid
      request - request object containing what should be changed about the workflow
      generic response
    • getTotalPageUsage

      @GET @Path("/usage/total") TotalUsageResponse getTotalPageUsage(@QueryParam("id") List<Integer> pageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId)
      Get the total usage information of the given pages.
      pageId - list of page ids
      nodeId - id of the node
      Total usage response
    • getPagetagUsageInfo

      @GET @Path("/usage/tag") PageUsageListResponse getPagetagUsageInfo(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> pageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("pages") @DefaultValue("true") boolean returnPages, @BeanParam PageModelParameterBean pageModel)
      Get the pages containing pagetags pointing to one of the given pages.
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      pageId - list of page ids
      nodeId - id of the node
      returnPages - true (default) if the pages shall be returned, false for only returning the counts
      pageModel - page model parameters
      list of pages
    • getVariantsUsageInfo

      @GET @Path("/usage/variant") PageUsageListResponse getVariantsUsageInfo(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> pageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("pages") @DefaultValue("true") boolean returnPages, @BeanParam PageModelParameterBean pageModel)
      Get the page variants of the given pages
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      pageId - list of page ids
      nodeId - id of the node
      returnPages - true (default) if the pages shall be returned, false for only returning the counts
      pageModel - page model parameters
      list of page variants
    • getPageUsageInfo

      @GET @Path("/usage/page") PageUsageListResponse getPageUsageInfo(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> pageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("pages") @DefaultValue("true") boolean returnPages, @BeanParam PageModelParameterBean pageModel)
      Get the pages using one of the given pages
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      pageId - list of page ids, for which the usage shall be fetched
      nodeId - id of the node
      returnPages - true (default) if the pages shall be returned, false for only returning the counts
      pageModel - page model parameters
      list of pages using the given pages
    • getTemplateUsageInfo

      @GET @Path("/usage/template") TemplateUsageListResponse getTemplateUsageInfo(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> pageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("templates") @DefaultValue("true") boolean returnTemplates)
      Get the templates using one of the given pages
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      pageId - list of page ids, for which the usage shall be fetched
      nodeId - id of the node
      returnTemplates - true (default) if the templates shall be returned, false for only returning the counts
    • getLinkedPages

      @GET @Path("/usage/linkedPage") ReferencedPagesListResponse getLinkedPages(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> pageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId)
      Get pages, which are used by one of the given pages
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      pageId - list of page ids, for which the usage shall be fetched
      nodeId - id of the node
    • getLinkedFiles

      @GET @Path("/usage/linkedFile") ReferencedFilesListResponse getLinkedFiles(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> pageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId)
      Get files, which are used by one of the given pages
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      pageId - list of page ids, for which the usage shall be fetched
      nodeId - id of the node
    • getLinkedImages

      @GET @Path("/usage/linkedImage") ReferencedFilesListResponse getLinkedImages(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder, @QueryParam("id") List<Integer> pageId, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId)
      Get images, which are used by one of the given pages
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      pageId - list of page ids, for which the usage shall be fetched
      nodeId - id of the node
    • takeOffline

      @POST @Path("/takeOffline/{id}") GenericResponse takeOffline(@PathParam("id") String id, PageOfflineRequest request)
      Take a specific page offline
      id - ID of the page
      Generic response
    • autocomplete

      @GET @Path("/autocomplete") @Produces("text/html") String autocomplete(@QueryParam("q") String q, @QueryParam("limit") int limit)
      Do a quick search for pages that contain the given query string in their name or have it as ID. Return an html representation of the page list, sorted by node name, folder name and page name.
      q - query string, must contain at least three characters (otherwise an empty result is returned).
      limit - maximum number of results returned. Default is 15
      html representation of matching pages
    • search

      @GET @Path("/search") PageLoadResponse search(@DefaultValue("false") @QueryParam("update") boolean update, @QueryParam("template") @DefaultValue("false") boolean template, @QueryParam("folder") @DefaultValue("false") boolean folder, @QueryParam("langvars") @DefaultValue("false") boolean languageVariants, @QueryParam("pagevars") @DefaultValue("false") boolean pageVariants, @QueryParam("workflow") @DefaultValue("false") boolean workflow, @QueryParam("translationstatus") @DefaultValue("false") boolean translationStatus, @QueryParam("versioninfo") @DefaultValue("false") boolean versionInfo, @QueryParam("disinherited") @DefaultValue("false") boolean disinherited, @QueryParam("nodeId") Integer nodeId, @QueryParam("liveUrl") String liveUrl)
      NOTE: This endpoint is currently under construction and will be changed in the future. Load a page with which resolves to the given liveUrl Please note that the page can only be resolved to a liveUrl if the was already published once. The resolving of liveUrls is always coupled to the publish state of the page. Local changes which have not been published will not be incorporated in the resolving process. Loads a page from GCN. For now this page only contains meta data about the page and no contents. When using loading pages, it is important to note that the returned tag data may be loaded differently depending on whether or not the page is loaded for editing ("update" flag is set to true). Loading a page with the update flag set to false allows you to load the page without causing it to be locked for editing, but it means that any tags which have not been filled will be loaded without all their tag parts. Tags that have not been filled, and that do not have default values will be loaded with empty properties in this case. On the other hand, when loading pages for editing, any tags that have no been filled, will have their constituents part auto-generated. Consequently, when loading pages via the REST-API or GCNJSAPI, setting the update flag to true will cause all tags to be loaded with all parts data (auto-generated if necessary), whereas when loading a page with update set to false, any tags which have not had their parts filled will be loaded without their parts data.
      update - true when the page shall be locked, false if not
      template - true if the template information shall be added
      folder - true if the folder information shall be added
      languageVariants - true if the language variants shall be added
      workflow - true if the workflow information shall be added
      translationStatus - true if the translationstatus information shall be added
      versionInfo - true if version information shall be added
      disinherited - if true, disinherited channel nodes shall be added
      nodeId - Optional channel id which can be specified to restrict search to a specific channel. Adding the channel id will speed up the search process.
      liveUrl - Live url to search for. (e.g.: hostname.tld/folderA/index.html)
      PageLoadResponse Response with the loaded page
    • pubqueue

      @GET @Path("/pubqueue") LegacyPageListResponse pubqueue(@QueryParam("skipCount") @DefaultValue("0") Integer skipCount, @QueryParam("maxItems") @DefaultValue("-1") Integer maxItems, @QueryParam("search") String search, @QueryParam("sortby") @DefaultValue("name") String sortBy, @QueryParam("sortorder") @DefaultValue("asc") String sortOrder)
      Get all pages (for all nodes) in the publish queue
      skipCount - number of items to be skipped, set to 0 for skipping no items
      maxItems - maximum number of items to be returned, set to -1 for returning all items
      search - (optional) search string (may be empty for no search) - this will filter the results if either the ID, the name (partial match or the description (partial match) matches the given search string.
      sortBy - (optional) attribute to sort by. It is possible to sort by name, cdate, edate, pdate, filename, template, folder, masterNode, priority, excluded, deletedat. defaults to name
      sortOrder - (optional) result sort order - may be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending other strings will be ignored. defaults to "asc".
      list of pages in the publish queue
    • pubqueueApprove

      @POST @Path("/pubqueue/approve") GenericResponse pubqueueApprove(MultiPubqueueApproveRequest request, @QueryParam("wait") @DefaultValue("0") long waitMs) throws Exception
      Approved queued changes to online status of pages
      request - request containing page IDs
      waitMs - wait timeout in milliseconds
      generic response
    • suggestFilename

      @POST @Path("/suggest/filename") PageFilenameSuggestResponse suggestFilename(PageFilenameSuggestRequest request) throws Exception
      Suggest the filename to be used for a (new) page, based on other metadata
      request - request