Configure Aloha Editor inside a template

If Aloha Editor settings should be added to the template of a page, some extra care has to be taken in order to find the right place for that.

Custom settings for Aloha Editor have to be added after the default settings and before the script tags of Aloha Editor.

In order to accomplish this, there are two placeholders that can be added to the template:

  • <aloha_settings> will be replaced by the default settings
  • <aloha_scripts> will be replaced by the scripts tags to load Aloha Editor

Aloha CSS files will be automatically added into the head tag of the HTML page.

The following template shows an example of how to add custom settings:

My Template

	<!-- Default Aloha Editor settings go here: -->
	<!-- Custom settings for an Aloha Editor plugin -->
	<script type="text/javascript">
		Aloha.settings.plugins.image.minHeight = 5;

	<!-- Aloha Editor script tags go here: -->

	<h1>This is an example</h1>
	<h2><node content></h2>

Changes in the Aloha.settings JSON Object will override the default configuration, so you need to take care to not unintentionally overwrite necessary settings.

The following example shows a bad configuration, because it will remove all configuration of all other plugins.

My Template

Aloha.settings.plugins = {"image": {"minHeight": 5}}; 

Overwriting the configuration like this will break the editing of the page in Gentics CMS, because editing depends on configuration of some Gentics CMS specific plugins.