New Tag Editor

A new implementation of the Tagfill dialog in the new UI with better styling and well defined extension possibilities.

1 Configuration

This feature needs to be enabled in the CMS configuration and for each node using the old UI. First enable the feature in a CMS configuration file and reload the configuration from the old CMS UI.


	$FEATURE["new_tageditor"] = true;

Then right click on each node, where you want to use the new tag editor, select “Features”, and check the box for the “New Tageditor”.

2 Exclusion of TagTypes with CustomForm TagParts

Custom Form TagParts are not supported by the new tag editor, instead it supports well defined extension mechanisms. As long as a TagType relies on a custom form TagPart, it should be excluded from opening with the new tag editor. This can be done in the properties of the TagType.

3 Hiding TagParts

A common use case for custom form TagParts was to hide certain TagParts in the tagfill. In the new tag editor a TagPart can be hidden by checking its “Hidden in editor” property.

4 Extension Mechanisms

Instead of custom form TagParts, the new tag editor provides two well defined extension mechanisms, custom TagProperty editors and custom tag editors. Each of these can be realized as a simple .html file with JavaScript or as an elaborate Angular or React app. You only need to package it as static files in a DevTool package in order to deploy the custom editor to the CMS server.

Each custom tag property editor or custom tag editor needs to implement a specific interface to be integrated into the tag editor. The interfaces are provided on this page in their original TypeScript versions, but you can of course implement them with plain JavaScript as well. We will soon publish an npm package with the interfaces for the custom editors and the model types. If you want to get started already, please copy the definitions from this page or for the model types, please refer to the data types used in the REST API.

Both custom editor types rely on these common model type interfaces in addition to the REST API model types:

 * Describes the value of a TagPart in a Tag.
 * This interface contains only the properties, which are always present.
 * The other properties depend on the TagPropertyType ( ).
 * For a list of all properties see:
export interface TagProperty {
  id: number;
  partId: number;
  type: TagPropertyType;

/** Maps keys to their respective TagProperties in a Tag. */
export interface TagPropertyMap {
  [key: string]: TagProperty;

 * Represents a Tag in a page or template or an object property.
 * See
export interface Tag {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  constructId: number;
  active: boolean;
  type: TagTypeType;
  /** Properties of the tag (representing the values in Gentics CMS) */
  properties: TagPropertyMap;

/** An extension of Tag (see docs in REST API) with properties needed by the TagEditor */
export interface EditableTag extends Tag {
   * The TagType, of which this tag is an instance.
   * This property is not part of the REST model and only used internally by the TagEditor.
   * The TagType interface corresponds to the Construct type of the REST API data model
   * (see )
  tagType: TagType;

/** Describes the current context, in which a TagEditor is operating. */
export interface TagEditorContext {
  /** The page, to which the tag belongs (set when editing a content tag or an object property of a page). */
  page?: Page;
  /** The folder, to which the tag belongs (set when editing an object property of a folder). */
  folder?: Folder;
  /** The image, to which the tag belongs (set when editing an object property of an image). */
  image?: Image;
  /** The file, to which the tag belongs (set when editing an object property of a file). */
  file?: File;
  /** The node from which the page/folder/image/file, to which the tag belongs, has been opened. */
  node: Node;

  /** The Tag being edited. */
  editedTag: EditableTag;

  /** If true, the tag may not be modified - its data should be displayed only. */
  readOnly: boolean;
  /** The TagValidator that can be used to validate the values of the TagProperties. */
  validator: TagValidator;
   * The ID of the current GCMS REST API session.
   * This is provided in case a custom TagEditor or TagPropertyEditor needs to use the REST API.
  sid: number;
   * Used in custom TagEditors and custom TagPropertyEditors to obtain translations of
   * i18n keys that come from the GCMS UI.
  translator: Translator;
  /** The parts of the context, which may change while the tag editor is displayed. */
  variableContext: Observable<VariableTagEditorContext>;

  /** Additional services provided by the GCMS UI. */
  gcmsUiServices: GcmsUiServices;
   * Creates a clone of this TagEditorContext.
   * All properties will be deep copies, except for sid and translator (which are immutable) and variableContext,
   * which will be an observable that is connected to the original observable,
   * such that the cloned context's obervable emits whenever the observable
   * of the original context emits.
  clone(): TagEditorContext;

/** Contains the parts of the context, which may change while the tag editor is displayed. */
export interface VariableTagEditorContext {
  /** The current UI language. */
  uiLanguage: string;

 * Additional services provided by the GCMS UI.
 * For example, services for opening the repository browser and the image editor.
export interface GcmsUiServices {

  /** Method for opening the Repository Browser. */
  openRepositoryBrowser<R = ItemInNode | TagInContainer>(options: RepositoryBrowserOptions): Promise<R | R[]>;

  /** Method for opening the Image Editor. */
  openImageEditor(options: { nodeId: number, imageId: number }): Promise<Image | void>;

   * Opens an the upload modal to allow the user to upload files/images to a specified folder.
   * @param uploadType The type the user should be allowed to upload. Either 'image' or 'file'.
   * @param destinationFolder The folder to where the file/image should be uploaded to.
   * @param allowFolderSelection If the user should be allowed to change the destination folder.
   * @returns A Promise for the uploaded file/image.
  openUploadModal: (uploadType: 'image' | 'file', destinationFolder?: Folder, allowFolderSelection?: boolean) => Promise<FileOrImage>;

    * Makes a GET request to an endpoint of the GCMS REST API and returns the parsed JSON object.
    * The endpoint should not include the base URL of the REST API, but just the endpoint as per
    * the documentation, e.g. `/folder/create`.
  restRequestGET: (endpoint: string, params?: object) => Promise<object>;
    * Makes a POST request to an endpoint of the GCMS REST API and returns the parsed JSON object.
    * The endpoint should not include the base URL of the REST API, but just the endpoint as per
    * the documentation, e.g. `/folder/create`.
  restRequestPOST: (endpoint: string, data: object, params?: object) => Promise<object>;
    * Makes a DELETE request to an endpoint of the GCMS REST API and returns the parsed JSON object (if present).
    * The endpoint should not include the base URL of the REST API, but just the endpoint as per
    * the documentation, e.g. `/folder/create`.
  restRequestDELETE: (endpoint: string, params?: object) => Promise<void | object>;

 * This should be used in custom TagEditors and custom TagPropertyEditors
 * to obtain translations for i18n keys that come from the GCMS UI.
export interface Translator {
   * Gets the translated value(s) of the specified i18n key(s) for the currently active UI language.
   * This method works like TranslateService.get() of ngx-translate ( ).
   * @returns An Observable with the translated value(s). This observable will emit whenever the
   * current languages changes.
  get(key: string|Array<string>, interpolateParams?: Object): Observable<string|Object>;
   * Gets the translated value(s) of the specified i18n key(s) for the currently active UI language.
   * This method works like TranslateService.instant() of ngx-translate ( ).
   * This method only returns the translation for the currently selected language. It is recommended to use
   * the get() method instead, which will return an observable that reacts to language changes.
  instant(key: string|Array<string>, interpolateParams?: Object): string|Object;

/** Interface used for validating the properties of an EditableTag. */
export interface TagValidator {
   * Validates the specified TagProperty with the TagPropertyValidator registered for it.
   * Returns the ValidationResult returned by the TagPropertyValidator or null if no TagPropertyValidator
   * is registered for the TagProperty.
  validateTagProperty(property: TagProperty): ValidationResult;
  /** Clones this TagValidator instance. */
  clone(): TagValidator;

/** The result of validating a TagProperty against the constraints defined in the corresponding TagPart. */
export interface ValidationResult {
  /** True if the TagProperty has a value. */
  isSet: boolean;
   * True if the value of the TagProperty is valid.
   * A TagProperty is valid if:
   * - it has a value set and that value passes validation or
   * - it has no value set and it is a non-mandatory property.
  success: boolean;
   * The i18n string of the error message in case the validation was not successful.
   * This message must be translated using the TagEditorContext.translator if operating in a
   * custom TagEditor or custom TagPropertyEditor. Inside the GCMS UI the normal translateService or
   * i18n pipe can be used.
  errorMessage?: string;

 * A map of possibly multiple validation results.
 * multiValidationResult['propA'] is the ValidationResult for the TagProperty with the key 'propA'.
export interface MultiValidationResult {
  [key: string]: ValidationResult;

4.1 Custom TagProperty Editor

If you need to customize the editing process of a single TagPart, you can provide a custom TagProperty editor for it. Just deploy it in a DevTool package and set the URL, at which the main .html file will be available in the field “URL for external Component Editor” in the properties of the respective TagPart.

Each custom TagProperty Editor needs to implement the CustomTagPropertyEditor interface. It will be loaded inside an IFrame as part of the TagEditor. In order for the TagEditor to be able to communicate with the CustomTagPropertyEditor, the global window.GcmsCustomTagPropertyEditor variable has to be set to the instance of the CustomTagPropertyEditor by the time the load event of the IFrame window fires.


 * The onChange function that a TagPropertyEditor needs to call when the user changes the TagProperty assigned to the editor.
 * In response to user input a TagPropertyEditor may also change other TagProperties.
 * All changed TagProperties have to be passed to the onChange function.
 * onChange returns the validation results for the changed TagProperties.
 * onChange must not be called from within TagPropertyEditor.writeValues().
export type TagPropertiesChangedFn = (changes: Partial<TagPropertyMap>) => MultiValidationResult;

 * Base interface for a TagPropertyEditor (i.e., a component for editing a single TagProperty).
 * The initialization of a TagPropertyEditor occurs as follows:
 * 1. ngOnInit()
 * 2. initTagPropertyEditor()
 * 3. registerOnChange()
 * Whenever the user changes the TagProperty assigned to this editor (which may cause the editor to change
 * other TagProperties as well), the TagPropertyEditor has to call the TagPropertiesChangedFn to inform the
 * TagEditor about the changes. The TagEditor will then validate the changes and make the onChange function
 * return the validation results.
 * During the execution of the onChange function the TagEditor copies all valid changes to a partial
 * TagPropertyMap and communicates them to all other TagPropertyEditors through their writeChangedValues() method.
 * The source TagPropertyEditor does not get a writeChangedValues() call.
 * The decision for the appropriate times to call the TagPropertiesChangedFn is up to each TagPropertyEditor,
 * but the TagPropertiesChangedFn must be called at the latest when the TagPropertyEditor component loses focus.
 * The TagPropertyEditor may perform tag validation by itself as well. This must however, not influence the calls
 * to the TagPropertiesChangedFn, i.e. user input values that fail validation must also be passed to it, so that
 * the TagEditor knows that the currently displayed value is invalid.
 * All objects passed to any of the methods of the TagPropertyEditor interface are deep copies created by the TagEditor,
 * so they may be safely modified by the TagPropertyEditor.
export interface TagPropertyEditor {
   * Initializes the TagPropertyEditor.
   * This method should perform necessary initialization and store the objects for later reference.
   * At this point the TagPropertyEditor needs to store and process all TagProperties that it is interested in.
   * Since the tag object passed to this method contains all TagProperties as they were received from the CMS,
   * some of the TagProperties may contain values, which would be considered invalid by a TagPropertyValidator
   * (e.g., mandatory properties, which are not set).
   * @param tagPart The part of the tag that this TagPropertyEditor is responsible for.
   * @param tag The Tag that is being edited.
   * @param context The current TagEditorContext.
  initTagPropertyEditor(tagPart: TagPart, tag: EditableTag, tagProperty: TagProperty, context: TagEditorContext): void;
   * Registers the callback that needs to be called whenever the TagPropertyEditor changes any of the TagProperties.
  registerOnChange(fn: TagPropertiesChangedFn): void;
   * This method is called whenever another TagPropertyEditor changes some TagProperty (by calling the TagPropertiesChangedFn),
   * such that each TagPropertyEditor can see the changes and react if needed. All changes passed to this method have passed
   * validation by a TagPropertyValidator (invalid changes are filtered out by the TagEditor).
   * Important: The TagPropertiesChangedFn must not be called from within the writeValues() method,
   * since two TagPropertyEditors doing this could cause an infinite writeValues() - onChange() - writeValues() - onChange() loop.
   * @param values A map of all TagProperties that were changed and are valid.
  writeChangedValues(values: Partial<TagPropertyMap>): void;

 * This function needs to be called by a CustomTagPropertyEditor or CustomTagEditor whenever its size changes.
 * This is necessary, because it is loaded in an IFrame.
export type CustomEditorSizeChangedFn = (newSize: {width?: number, height?: number}) => void;

 * Base interface for a custom TagPropertyEditor (a TagProperty editor that is loaded inside an IFrame within the Gentics Tag Editor).
 * By the time the `load` event of the IFrame window fires, the global `window.GcmsCustomTagPropertyEditor` variable
 * has to be set to the instance of the `CustomTagPropertyEditor`.
 * The IFrame element has the `data-gcms-ui-styles` set to a URL from which the basic styles
 * of the GCMS UI can be loaded. The URL can be accessed via `window.frameElement.dataset.gcmsUiStyles`.
 * Loading these styles is optional.
export interface CustomTagPropertyEditor extends TagPropertyEditor {
   * Registers the callback that needs to be called whenever the editor's size changes.
  registerOnSizeChange(fn: CustomEditorSizeChangedFn): void;

4.2 Example Custom TagProperty Editor

The following is the code of an .html file that contains a simple custom TagProperty editor, which will simply display the entire TagProperty serialized as JSON and send the updated value to the TagEditor whenever the textarea loses focus.


    (function() {
      JsonTagPropertyEditor = function() {
        let _tagPart;
        let _tagProperty;
        let _onChangeFn;
         * Initializes the TagPropertyEditor.
         * This method should perform necessary initialization and store the objects for later reference.
         * At this point the TagPropertyEditor needs to store and process all TagProperties that it is interested in.
         * Since the tag object passed to this method contains all TagProperties as they were received from the CMS,
         * some of the TagProperties may contain values, which would be considered invalid by a TagPropertyValidator
         * (e.g., mandatory properties, which are not set).
         * @param tagPart The part of the tag that this TagPropertyEditor is responsible for.
         * @param tag The Tag that is being edited.
         * @param context The current TagEditorContext.
        this.initTagPropertyEditor = function (tagPart, tag, tagProperty, context) {
          _tagPart = tagPart;
          const txtElement = document.getElementById('txtJson');
          txtElement.addEventListener('blur', function (event) {
         * Registers the TagPropertiesChangedFn that needs to be called whenever the TagPropertyEditor changes any of the TagProperties.
        this.registerOnChange = function(fn) {
          _onChangeFn = fn;
         * This method is called whenever another TagPropertyEditor changes some TagProperty (by calling the TagPropertiesChangedFn),
         * such that each TagPropertyEditor can see the changes and react if needed. All changes passed to this method have passed
         * validation by a TagPropertyValidator (invalid changes are filtered out by the TagEditor).
         * Important: The TagPropertiesChangedFn must not be called from within the writeValues() method,
         * since two TagPropertyEditors doing this could cause an infinite writeValues() - onChange() - writeValues() - onChange() loop.
         * @param values A map of all TagProperties that were changed and are valid.
        this.writeChangedValues = function(values) {
          // We only care about changes to the TagProperty that this editor is responsible for.
          const tagProp = values[_tagPart.keyword];
          if (tagProp) {
         * Registers the callback that needs to be called whenever the editor's size changes.
        this.registerOnSizeChange = function(onSizeChangeFn) {
          let prevSize = {
            width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
            height: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, 200)
          // This is just a very quick way of updating the size by polling.
          // Using clientHeight does not allow the editor to shrink again.
          // Maybe this can be done better in a production editor.
          setInterval(function() {
            const newSize = {
              width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
              height: document.documentElement.clientHeight
            if (newSize.width !== prevSize.width || newSize.height !== prevSize.height) {
              prevSize = newSize;
          }, 500);
         * Used to update the currently edited TagProperty with external changes.
        updateTagProperty = function(newValue) {
          _tagProperty = newValue;
          document.getElementById('txtJson').innerText = JSON.stringify(_tagProperty, '', '    ');
         * Updates the tagProperty with changes made by the user and calls onChangeFn().
        onUserChange = function() {
          const json = document.getElementById('txtJson').value;
          _tagProperty = JSON.parse(json);
          if (_onChangeFn) {
            const changes = {};
            changes[_tagPart.keyword] = _tagProperty;
        return this;
      // The window.GcmsCustomTagPropertyEditor needs to be set, so that the TagEditor
      // can find the custom TagPropertyEditor.
      window.GcmsCustomTagPropertyEditor = new JsonTagPropertyEditor();
      // Load the GCMS UI styles (optional).
      const link = document.createElement('link');
      link.rel = 'stylesheet';
      link.href = window.frameElement.dataset.gcmsUiStyles;
  <textarea id="txtJson" style="width: 100%; height: 200px;"></textarea>

4.3 Custom Tag Editor

If you need to customize the editing process of multiple TagParts or don’t want to use the default tag editor at all, you can create a custom TagEditor. Just deploy it in a DevTool package and set the URL, at which the main .html file will be available in the field “URL for external Tag Editor” in the properties of the respective Tagtype.

Each custom TagEditor needs to implement the CustomTagEditor interface. It will be loaded instead of the default TagEditor, inside an IFrame. By the time the load event of the IFrame window fires, the window.GcmsCustomTagEditor needs to be set, so that the GCMS UI can find the custom TagEditor.


/** Base interface for a TagEditor. */
export interface TagEditor {

   * Opens the TagEditor to edit the specified tag, while reporting every change via `changeFn`.
   * Whenever a TagProperty is changed, the entire `TagPropertyMap` must be passed to `changeFn` to inform
   * the parent component of the changes. It is up to the TagEditor to decide when a change is 'complete' and
   * needs to be reported, e.g., when the user types in an input field, the TagEditor may decide whether
   * to report a change on every keystroke or only after the user has finished typing.
   * In this mode the TagEditor must not display any OK/Cancel button, since this will be handled
   * by the parent component.
   * @param tag The tag that should be edited.
   * @param context The `TagEditorContext` that provides further information about the tag.
   * @param changeFn This function must be called with the entire `TagPropertyMap` of the tag whenever a change
   * has been made. If the current tag state is invalid, `null` may be used instead of the `TagPropertyMap`.
  editTagLive(tag: EditableTag, context: TagEditorContext, onChangeFn: (tagProperties: TagPropertyMap | null) => void): void;

   * Opens the TagEditor for editing the specified tag.
   * This method is optional for a `CustomTagEditor` and may be omitted. In that case
   * the parent component will implement this method using `editTagLive()`.
   * @param tag The tag that should be edited.
   * @param context The `TagEditorContext` that provides further information about the tag.
   * @returns A Promise, which will be resolved with the modified tag if the user clicks the OK button
   * or which will be rejected if the user clicks Cancel button.
  editTag?(tag: EditableTag, context: TagEditorContext): Promise<EditableTag>;


 * This function needs to be called by a CustomTagPropertyEditor or CustomTagEditor whenever its size changes.
 * This is necessary, because it is loaded in an IFrame.
export type CustomEditorSizeChangedFn = (newSize: {width?: number, height?: number}) => void;

 * Base interface for a custom TagEditor (a TagEditor that is loaded inside an IFrame by CustomTagEditorHost).
 * By the time the `load` event of the IFrame window fires, the global `window.GcmsCustomTagEditor` variable
 * has to be set to the instance of the custom `TagEditor`.
 * The IFrame element has the `data-gcms-ui-styles` set to a URL from which the basic styles
 * of the GCMS UI can be loaded. The URL can be accessed via `window.frameElement.dataset.gcmsUiStyles`.
 * Loading these styles is optional.
export interface CustomTagEditor extends TagEditor {

   * Registers the callback that needs to be called whenever the editor's size changes.
  registerOnSizeChange(fn: CustomEditorSizeChangedFn): void;


4.4 Example Custom Tag Editor

The following is the code of an .html file that contains a simple custom tag editor, which will simply display the entire Tag serialized as JSON.


    IE11 requires a polyfill to support Promises.
    Promise polyfill used here:
  <script src=""></script>
    (function() {
      JsonTagEditor = function() {

        let _editableTag;
        let _context;
        let _resolveFn;
        let _rejectFn;
        let _onChangeFn;
         * Opens the TagEditor for editing the specified tag.
         * @returns A Promise, which will be resolved with the modified tag if the user clicks the OK button
         * or which will be rejected if the user clicks Cancel button.
        this.editTag = function(editableTag, context) {
          _editableTag = editableTag;
          _context = context;
          return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
            _resolveFn = resolve;
            _rejectFn = reject;

         * Opens the TagEditor to edit the specified tag, while reporting every change via `changeFn`.
         * Whenever a TagProperty is changed, the entire `TagPropertyMap` must be passed to `changeFn` to inform
         * the parent component of the changes. It is up to the TagEditor to decide when a change is 'complete' and
         * needs to be reported, e.g., when the user types in an input field, the TagEditor may decide whether
         * to report a change on every keystroke or only after the user has finished typing.
         * In this mode the TagEditor must not display any OK/Cancel button, since this will be handled
         * by the parent component.
        this.editTagLive = function(editableTag, context, onChangeFn) {
          _editableTag = editableTag;
          _context = context;
          _onChangeFn = onChangeFn;
          document.getElementById('validation-results-container').classList.add('hidden'); // The validation button is part of the footer, that's why we hide the example results here
         * Registers the callback that needs to be called whenever the editor's size changes.
        this.registerOnSizeChange = function(onSizeChangeFn) {
          let prevSize = {
            width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
            height: Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, 200)
          // This is just a very quick way of updating the size by polling.
          // Using clientHeight does not allow the editor to shrink again.
          // Maybe this can be done better in a production editor.
          setInterval(function() {
            const newSize = {
              width: document.documentElement.clientWidth,
              height: document.documentElement.clientHeight
            if (newSize.width !== prevSize.width || newSize.height !== prevSize.height) {
              prevSize = newSize;
          }, 500);
        this.validateTag = function() {
          const resultsContainer = document.getElementById('validation-results');
          let tag;
          try {
            tag = parseChanges();
          } catch (ex) {
            resultsContainer.innerText = ex.toString();
          const validationResults = validateChanges(;
          resultsContainer.innerText = JSON.stringify(validationResults, '', '    ');

        this.onTextChange = function() {
          if (!_onChangeFn) {
          var tagProperties;
          try {
            var tag = parseChanges();
            tagProperties =;
          } catch(ex) {
            tagProperties = null;
        this.onOkClick = function() {
          let tag;
          try {
            tag = parseChanges();
          } catch(ex) {
            alert('Error parsing JSON.');
        this.onCancelClick = function() {
        validateChanges = function(tagProperties) {
          const keys = Object.keys(tagProperties);
          return (key) {
            const tagProp = tagProperties[key];
            return _context.validator.validateTagProperty(tagProp);
        init = function() {
          const txtElement = document.getElementById('txtJson');
          txtElement.value = JSON.stringify(_editableTag, '', '    ');
        parseChanges = function() {
          const tagJson = document.getElementById('txtJson').value;
          return JSON.parse(tagJson);
        return this;
      // The window.GcmsCustomTagEditor needs to be set, so that the GCMS UI
      // can find the custom TagEditor.
      window.GcmsCustomTagEditor = new JsonTagEditor();
      // Load the GCMS UI styles (optional).
      const link = document.createElement('link');
      link.rel = 'stylesheet';
      link.href = window.frameElement.dataset.gcmsUiStyles;
    .footer button {
      float: right;
      margin: 5px;
    .hidden {
      display: none;
    <textarea id="txtJson" oninput="GcmsCustomTagEditor.onTextChange()" style="width: 100%; height: 200px;"></textarea>
  <div id="validation-results-container">
    <span><b>Validation Results:</b></span>
    <pre id="validation-results"></pre>
  <div id="footer" class="footer">
    <button type="button" onclick="GcmsCustomTagEditor.onOkClick()">OK</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="GcmsCustomTagEditor.onCancelClick()">Cancel</button>
    <button type="button" onclick="GcmsCustomTagEditor.validateTag()">Validate Tag</button>

5 Accessing Content

For the access to the current item (i.E. the Page, Folder, Node, etc.), as well as to exposed Services, you need to use the context object, which is provided in the `editTagLive`/`initTagPropertyEditor` function.

Example of how to get the current Folder, getting the current user information and opening the repository browser:

    window.GcmsCustomTagEditor = {
      editTagLive: (editableTag, context, onChangeFn) => {
        // Get the currently edited Folder (usually folder object-properties editing),
        // or get the folder of the current editing page/template.
        const currentFolder = context.folder
          ?? context.template?.folder;
        console.log('Currrent Folder:', currentFolder);

        context.gcmsUiServices.restRequestGET('user/me', { sid: context.sid }).then(me => {
          console.log('Logged in as User', me);

          allowedSelection: ['page', 'folder'],
          onlyInCurrentNode: true,
          selectMultiple: false,
          title: 'Example Repository Browser Select',
        }).then(selectedItem => {
          console.log('User selected item from repository', selectedItem);
      registerOnSizeChange: (fn) => { },

Please refer to the typings (`TagEditorContext`) above for all available properties and services (`GcmsUiServices`).