Technology Stack
We are pretty sure you know what a haystack is. And you probably have a stack of paper on your desk right now. But have you ever asked yourself what technology stack Gentics Content Management Platform is using?
Well, ask no more, because on this page we give you a brief introduction to the technology stack used in the Gentics Content Management Platform.
Gentics CMS
Component | Type |
Java OpenJDK | Java virtual machine |
MariaDB-Client | Client for relational database |
Gentics Mesh Content Repository
Component | Type |
OrientDB | Graph Database |
Ferma | Object-Graph Model Library |
Elasticsearch | Search Engine |
Vert.x | Core Framework |
Hazelcast | Cross-JVM communication |
Dagger 2 | Dependency Injection |
You can find the components' current version numbers by querying the Gentics Mesh demo instance or your local instance. |
Gentics Portal | php
Component | Type |
PHP | Scripting Language |
Intl PHP Extension | Modules for internationalization |
Composer | Package Manager |
Laravel Framework | Web Framework |
Blade Templates | Templating Engine (part of Laravel) |
Gentics Portal | java
Component | Type |
Java SE | Java Development Kit |
Gentics Mesh Java Client | Client for Gentics Mesh |
Vert.x | Core Framework |
Maven | Build Management Tool |
Dagger 2 | Dependency Injection | | Templating Engine |