Updating the Gentics Content Management Platform using Docker

Table of Contents

Updating a docker service is done by changing the tag of a used image in the docker-compose.yml file.

The container will be recreated with the command docker-compose up.

Make sure to read the changelogs of the services you want to update and to backup and prepare your persited data if needed.

Example: The currently used Gentics CMS version is 6.0.0: .docker-compose.yml (before)

    image: docker.apa-it.at/gentics/cms:6.0.0

 To update the service, change the image tag to you desired target version e.g. 6.0.1 .docker-compose.yml (after)

    image: docker.apa-it.at/gentics/cms:6.0.1

Run docker-compose up -d cms to trigger the update.