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Gentics Content Management Platform is a flexible solution, offering a huge variety of features to use. Here’s a list of the most important ones:

“What you see is what you get” editor

Thanks to the Aloha Editor editors can create and edit content in the Gentics Content Management Platform with a WYSIWYG experience for simple formatting as well as tables, lists, media files and even copy & paste from MS Word. 


The Gentics Content Management Platform offers everything you need to create content in different languages and will handle link resolution, displaying navigation entries, and displaying error pages in the correct language automatically. It also offers tools for managing translations for use in the markup templates.

For further information take a look at the documentation about internationalization:


The Gentics Content Management Platform makes use of the Keycloak identity and access management service for authorization via JSON Web Tokens. Created content can be restricted to users with certain roles (which can in the simplest form only differ between logged-in and not logged-in, but can be as fine grained as needed), and the front end portals will require appropriate credentials to serve the restricted pages.

For further information look at the respective documentation for

Full text search

All published objects can be indexed using Elasticsearch, providing full text search with features like facetted search, autocomplete and Did You Mean suggestions readily available via the Gentics Mesh Search Plugin.

For further information look at the documentation for


The frontend portals can be configured to cache responses from the backend components and rendered pages to speed up response times. Of course the appropriate HTTP headers to enable the browser to make use of caching are also set accordingly.

For further information take a look at the documentation for


There is only ever one published version of a page, but all changes to pages in the Gentics Content Management Platform are versioned, and it is easily possible to restore an older version in case of unintended changes.

For further information take a look at the Gentics CMS manual.  

Multimedia content

Images and videos can not only be added easily when editing a page, but the Gentics Image Store functionality also provides a way to dynamically resize and crop images. Setting a focus point will make sure that the important parts of an image are still visible when it is resized, e.g. for the mobile view.

For further information take a look at the Gentics CMS documentation.  

Further Reading