User Interface

This is the legacy Mesh 2.1.x documentation. The current documentation can be found here.

The Gentics Mesh user interface is a web-based administration tool for the Gentics Mesh server. By default it can be reached via http://localhost:8080/mesh-ui/.

To start, log in with the administrator credentials: admin and the password that has been auto-generated and printed on first startup. In case, you’ve downloaded Gentics Mesh including our demo project, you can click on the project to begin exploring its contents. Otherwise, you create a new project in the admin area.

Creating and Managing Content

The Gentics Mesh user interface is divided into two panes. On the left is the explorer pane: it shows a list of the project’s contents. Container nodes appear as blue links, and clicking on them will navigate into the selected node and list its contents.

All nodes have an edit button on the left. Clicking this button opens the node in the edit pane on the right half of the screen.

The edit pane consists of a form which is generated according to the schema used by the node, as well as information at the top about the available languages for this node and any tags which have been applied to it.

When a node is opened for editing, a new tab is created. This means that multiple nodes may be worked on concurrently, and each will remain open until closed by clicking the x symbol at the right of each tab.


At the top of the explorer pane is an input field, which can be used to filter the contents of the current node. If you start the term with #, a tag-selector will allow you to filter by tags. Once a tag filter has been applied, it will persist until explicitly removed with the x button by the tag name.

Clicking the "global" checkbox will allow you to perform a project-wide search - either a text-based filter, by tags, or a combination of both.

Administrative Functions

On the top left of the Gentics Mesh user interface is a menu icon which gives access to the admin area. This is where all administrative actions may be performed, e.g.: adding new users, editing permissions, creating or editing schemas.


The Gentics Mesh user interface can be configured using the mesh-ui-config.js file.

(function(window, document) {

     * Settings which can be configured per app instance, without requiring the app be re-built from
     * source.
    var meshUiConfig = {
        // The URL to the Mesh API
        apiUrl: '/api/v2/',

        // The ISO-639-1 code of the default language
        defaultLanguage: 'en',
        // The ISO-639-1 codes of the available languages
        availableLanguages: ['en', 'de'],

        // Provide an array or URLs for previewing nodes, in the following format:
        // ```
        // {
        //   projectName: [
        //     // label: url
        //     { somePreview: 'http://some/url' },
        //     { otherPreview: 'http://someother/url' }
        //  ]
        // }
        // ```
        // When this option is used, a "preview" button will be available
        // in the node editor pane. Click it will POST the node data to the specified URL. The node will be
        // encoded as form data under the key "node", and its value will need to be de-serialized back into JSON
        // (e.g. using JSON.parse()). The "default" key will make the URls available to all projects.

        // previewUrls: {
        //     default: [
        //         { default: '' }
        //     ]
        // },

        // Provide a function for displaying an URL to the node in the frontend system.
        // urlResolver is a function that returns a string or a promise that resolves to a string.
        // Parameters:
        // * node: The node response currently displayed in the editor pane.
        // * path?: The path of the node if providePath is truthy. undefined otherwise.
        // If providePath is true, the path parameter will be filled with the path of the node.
        // This has to be set manually because an additional request has to be made in the Mesh UI to fetch
        // the path of the node.

        // liveUrl: {
        //    providePath: true,
        //    urlResolver: function(node, path) {
        //        return '' + path;
        //    },
        // },

        // A microschema control is a custom form component which can be used to render a
        // specific microschema, in place of the default form generator. For full documentation, please
        // see the example in `/microschemaControls/example/exampleControl.js`
        // The `microschemaControlsLocation` may point to any location on the current server or even on
        // another server. Note that if serving microschema controls from a different server or port, you
        // must take CORS into consideration and set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers accordingly.
        microschemaControlsLocation: '/microschemaControls',
        microschemaControls: [
            // "geolocation/geolocationControl",
            // "example/exampleControl"

        // List any plugins to be loaded and made available to the Aloha editor.
        // (For available plugins see
        // If left empty, the following default plugins will be used:
        //  'common/autoparagraph',
        //  'common/contenthandler',
        //  'common/format',
        //  'common/highlighteditables',
        //  'common/list',
        //  'common/paste',
        //  'common/table',
        //  'common/ui'
        // plus a custom link plugin (mesh/mesh-link) for linking to other Mesh nodes.
        alohaPlugins: [],

        // Custom settings object for the Aloha editor. If left empty, the default configuration
        // will be used.
        alohaSettings: {},

        // Sets the maximum number of tags which will be displayed in the contents list. If a node has
        // more tags than the limit, the rest will be hidden by default, but may be viewed by clicking
        // the "more" icon. To always show all tags, set this to Infinity.
        tagDisplayLimit: 3

    window.meshUiConfig = meshUiConfig;

})(window, document);