helm repo add --username USERNAME --password API_KEY \
gentics https://repo.gentics.com/repository/helm/
helm repo update
helm search repo
Helm 3
The Gentics Mesh helm repository needs to be registered before it can be used. Please use the USERNAME and API_KEY which you have received to access the commercial repository.
helm repo add --username USERNAME --password API_KEY \
gentics https://repo.gentics.com/repository/helm/
helm repo update
helm search repo
Each provided container image contains Gentics Mesh (either the Open Source variant or the Enterprise variant), a database specific connector, but not the JDBC driver. It is recommended to build a customer container image containing also the JDBC driver (and optionally plugins, see below).
This docker file shows how to include a JDBC driver into the customized container image:
ARG version
FROM gentics/mesh-mariadb:$version
# Add the JDBC Driver
COPY mariadb-java-client-3.4.1.jar /mesh/database/mariadb-java-client-3.4.1.jar
Once the image has been deployed to your registry you may use it in the helm chart by setting the image and tag values:
repository: acme/my-custom-mesh-image
tag: 3.0.0
Before starting Gentics Mesh for the first time, an empty database needs to be created. See Use MariaDB-connected container or Commercial DB connectors for details.
Then the database configuration needs to be added the the values.yaml file so that Gentics Mesh can access the database. When using one of the commercial database connectors, also a valid license key needs to be provided.
Once the database is setup and the basic configuration is done, you can start the full stack by running.
helm upgrade --wait -f values.yaml gentics-mesh gentics/gentics-mesh --version=x.x.x
Gentics Mesh will automatically create tables and data in the database if necessary.
By default various features are enabled / settings:
Server tokens will be omitted by default
No update check will be performed
Backup is disabled
# Default values for Gentics Mesh.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
# Setting this higher than 1 will enable master clustering automatically
# In this case, be sure you have correctly configured a network storage for the uploads
replicaCount: 1
repository: acme/my-custom-mesh-image
tag: 3.0.0
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Please enter your secret if you use the LTS repository
imagePullSecrets: []
nameOverride: ""
fullnameOverride: ""
# For the commercial version of Gentics Mesh, a valid license key needs to be provided.
# The license can either be added directly (as license.key) or provided via a secret (with key "licensekey"). In the latter case,
# license.secret must contain the secret's name.
# license:
# key: ""
# secret: ""
# Database access configuration. The password of the database user can either be configured directly (discouraged) or via a secret (with key "password").
# In the latter case, database.passwordSecret must contain the secret's name.
host: "database.host"
port: 3306
name: "mesh"
username: "meshuser"
# password: ""
passwordSecret: "database"
extraParams: ""
# Specifies whether a service account should be created
create: false
# The name of the service account to use.
# If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
podSecurityContext: {}
securityContext: {}
type: ClusterIP
port: 80
# nodePort is only available when using service type NodePort
# nodePort: 80
port: 443
# nodePort is only available when using service type NodePort
# nodePort: 80
port: 8081
# nodePort is only available when using service type NodePort
# nodePort: 80
enabled: true
nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/proxy-body-size: 8m
# kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
# kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
- host: mesh.local
- "/"
tls: []
# - secretName: chart-example-tls
# hosts:
# - chart-example.local
# You should adjust this to your needs. This just defines the absolute minimum defaults.
# The memory values should be set in conjunction with the Java Xmx plus other Java memory settings
# See: https://www.gentics.com/mesh/docs/administration-guide/#_memory_settings
memory: 2Gi
cpu: 2000m
memory: 256Mi
cpu: 500m
nodeSelector: {}
tolerations: []
affinity: {}
# Settings for clustering will be configured automatically
value: "-Xms128m -Xmx128m"
# By default, a default configmap will be created
# existingConfigmap: "mesh-custom-config"
# All settings in mesh.yml are configurable with env vars (See: extraEnv)
enabled: true
# Volume for shared data (uploads, keystore)
# This volume will only be created when replicaCount > 1
# This volume should be a network volume (NFS) and will be shared across all instances
# Use existingClaim if you don't have a storage provisioner for your NFS
# existingClaim: ""
annotations: {}
- ReadWriteMany
# storageClassName: ""
storage: 10Gi
## Storage for database snapshots
# Use existingClaim if you don't have a storage provisioner for your NFS
# existingClaim: ""
annotations: {}
- ReadWriteMany
# storageClassName: ""
storage: 10Gi
# livenessProbe:
# exec:
# command:
# - /bin/sh
# - live.sh
# initialDelaySeconds: 10
# periodSeconds: 8
# failureThreshold: 3
# readinessProbe:
# httpGet:
# path: /api/v2/health/ready
# port: http
# initialDelaySeconds: 10
# periodSeconds: 5
# failureThreshold: 5
workerPoolSize: 20
eventLoopSize: 10
verticleCount: 10
# passwordSecret: ""
# Change this password. This will be used if no custom keystore secret has been specified.
password: "secret"
# Controls the HTTPS server of Gentrics Mesh. Please note that this is not related to ingress SSL handling.
# Enabling SSL here will allow you to setup secured connections between Gentics Mesh PODs and other PODs which internally access Gentics Mesh API.
enabled: false
# Client Authentication mode can be: NONE, REQUEST or REQUIRE
# See https://getmesh.io/docs/references/#_client_certificate for details
clientAuthMode: "NONE"
serverKeyPath: "/certs/key.pem"
serverCertPath: "/certs/cert.pem"
#trustedCertPaths: ""
existingSecret: "mesh-ssl-secret"
# Configure clustering related settings
enabled: true
coordinatorRegex: "gentics-mesh-[0-9]"
# Tools settings, which are used for backup/restore and in the NOTES for generation of an api key
repository: docker.gentics.com/gentics/mesh/mesh-tools
tag: 1.0.2
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
pullSecret: docker-gentics-com
# Configure backup related settings
# Per default, backup is not enabled
enabled: false
# Backup may be suspended
suspended: false
# Daily at 22 pm
schedule: "0 22 * * *"
# Define the time limit for the backup in seconds
timeLimitSeconds: 3600
# Configure credentials
initialAdminPassword: ""
forcePasswordReset: false
publicKeys: ""
# Monitoring related settings
enabled: true
# Elasticsearch settings
## ES integration disabled by default
url: "null"
complianceMode: "ES_8"
# Upload settings
limit: "262144000" ## 260 MB
When enabled via backup.enabled
an automatic backup cronjob will be created.
This cronjob will create filesystem backups and store those in the gentics-mesh-snapshots
Backup of the database is not part of this helm chart and must be configured separately.
The helm chart supports Gentics Mesh with clustering. It is important to note that clustering of the database is out of the scope of Gentics Mesh and must be set up separately.
Make sure to only use commercial plugins which match the Major and Minor version of the Gentics Mesh server. Plugins which do not match may not be compatible with the Gentics Mesh version. |
Commercial plugins can be downloaded from
our repository site.
Alternatively you can also use maven
to download the jar:
mvn dependency:get \
-Dartifact=com.gentics.mesh.plugin.commercial:$YOUR_PLUGIN:$YOUR_MESH_VERSION \
-DremoteRepositories=gentics.nexus.releases::default::https://repo.gentics.com/repository/maven-releases \
-Ddest=$YOUR_PLUGIN.jar -Dtransitive=false
If you get an "Unauthorized" error, please locate your maven settings (usually found in ~/.m2/settings.xml) and add our server to the servers list:
<username> $YOUR_USER_ID </username>
<password> $YOUR_API_KEY </password>
Once downloaded, place the jar file, optionally together with a config file and other assets, in the configured plugins folder of your Mesh installation — then the plugin(s) will automatically be deployed during server startup.
This docker file shows how to include all plugin files into one customized docker image:
ARG version
FROM gentics/mesh-mariadb:$version
# Add the JDBC Driver
COPY mariadb-java-client-3.4.1.jar /mesh/database/mariadb-java-client-3.4.1.jar
# Optionally: Add plugins to the image
COPY plugins /plugins
# Optionally: Add custom languages
COPY config/languages.json /languages.json